Presentation to investors reveals Elon Musk plans to FIRE 1,000 Twitter staff, quintuple revenue, get 69 million users paying $3 a month, and cut reliance on advertising income.
✅ - Elon PLEASE DO THIS - ✅

Agreed. But he had previously mentioned that free accounts will still be available - paid will just come with different tiers/benefits.
I'd pay that in a heartbeat if this was actually a 1A safe platform to red pill normies on.
It will immediately blow up the fake narrative that we're the "minority"... smart people are the absolute majority at this point. We only hear/see from the sheeple NPCs because they are the only ones uncensored or feel comfortable to project their idiocy in public without fear of being shamed.
I did my part, me and my kids pointed and laughed at a family wearing masks in their cars w/ bumper stickers dedicated to Fauci and the Vaccines.
They were probably all on the way to get tested for "COVID". Fucking clowns.
haha some lady in the grocery store tried to talk to my daughter with her retarded mask on, and my 3 year old daughter looked her dead in her eyes and told her "masks don't work and you look stupid when you wear one"
Never been so proud, and the ladies reaction was fucking amazing. She went from 100 to 0 - real quick
You're raising a badass.
That daughter's name?
No one knows, because badasses don't leave a trace!
And then everyone clapped
Thank you you for pointing and laughing and for teaching your kids how to spot fucking morons. Publicly shaming these types of idiots needs to happen more. Lack of public shaming has gotten us this deep in the idiocy and degenerate tranny bullshit, and fats as lingerie models and such. If more people did what you did, I feel like a lot of this shit would stop.
I'm doing what I can.
Great post! So true. Ridicule works. It's the only way to get some people to check themselves. 👍