predictive programming! 🤣
This guy just set a new high score for being a giant pile of shit.
There's a difference between being brainwashed and knowing you are right. I've been conducting an experiment as well and it has lasted for over 8 years. The results are in. The term 'expert' is meaningless.
The Red Cross is a terrorist organization
The irony is that the more she tries to align with trumps ideas, the less of an incentive to vote for her from both voter bases. It’s actually a retarded plan.
Chicago might not be the place for these Venezuelan guys to try this. Chicago has casual weekends where more shootings occur over 2 days than occur in an entire state over the course of a year.
Feels like this location is an escalation by whoever is sending these go orders. It's possible that the deep state is deliberately trying to create civil unrest / civil war as a means of a way to invoke all kinds of special measures... up to an including an election cancelation.
Ian Carroll covers some material that is important for normies to consume, but he's actually a fucking goof. He's definitely a grifter. Not saying I don't want people to follow the shit he's posting when it's good, just letting you know to not be fooled by the actual person. He's a snake and will steal your information and pass it off as his own.
Ok but you should do USA and Canada too please
stop buying these faggot ass games.
During the height of BLM shenanigans about 5 years ago or so, Activision forced me to sign off on some terms when I bought the new Call of Duty game that basically said something along the lines of "I agree with BLM" - It was not verbatim that, and it's been some time, but I remember it forced me to agree with BLM in order to get past the drop screens and play the game. I was actually infuriated as I had already spent my $80 on the overpriced turd of a game to begin with and then was forced into that dog shit. Since that moment, Activision has not received a motherfucking dime from me and they never will again.
but if he did get sued... would there be discovery? lmao
Just ammo to give to pseudo-intellects so they can go around pretending to know a fucking thing by using brand new dem slang. It's sad how effective it is to their colony of sheep.
Trump is on Truth. He doesn't need X.
Not even watching from afar. Completely disinterested in God hating communist scum. There are athletes who I would like to support and events that a part of me wants to watch but I simply will not. Now that I know they're trying to push cashless, I'm even more enraged. I've watched 0 events and that is not an exaggeration. Feels good to be in control of yourself.
idk if she confirmed devolution theory, but I don't think blowing his fucking head off is part of the plan
If they were successful in their attempt, reading this would have been even more infuriating. How could this have possibly happened unless there was intent from the inside.
They're all accomplices to the act. That's why. They censored the fuck out of him so that false narratives about him could thrive. They didn't want a big following on twitch to spread truths, or anywhere else.
They are embarrassing as fuck.
I don’t respect pedophiles dead or alive. She can burn in hell.
There’s plenty of ways they could have solved a sloped roof problem. Ever heard of tying off? Roofers are apparently in high demand in the secret service. Not to mention that a sloped roof with a peak seems ideal for a sniper. Maybe I’m missing something. This cheeto dust fingers fat bitch needs to see a cell instantly if not worse.
Best of luck to your dad. If he tries the protocol, let us know of there are any good results! God Bless
Fuck Tim Pool
I'm glad he is using his following to expose the GME shorts fraud but I don't believe this guy was a long time holder. He's just hopping on the train while it's moving because it's good for him. Like I said, glad that his following will learn a few things.
When did I support the Zionist agenda? Do you see how unintelligent you are? Read up a couple posts. You don’t even know the difference between the words effect and affect. You are not in a position to lecture anyone on intelligence. Come back to this thread when you’re actually literate.
I’m more of a critical thinker than you will ever be if that’s your conclusion. You actually are displaying your inability to separate emotion from logic. You are in fact, the “retard.”
Imagine being self-righteous about your morality standards while referring to someone else as a retard.
Please grow up and learn what critical thinking is.
offering jobs to protestors has nothing to do with morals and has plenty to do with stupidity.
I mean, didn't Donna Brazile get caught in 2016 on behalf of Hillary.
Nobody gave a fuck. Why are they going to now?
Kamala Harris could probably walk in there and kill someone and the democrats would still blindly vote for that fucking moron.