Most here (including me) are well past doing the mask thing. Pretty well confirmed that masks do not help against the virus. HOWEVER my wife is very sensitive to pollen and the allergies really mess with her sinuses and throat. As a singer, this is doubly bad. So she wears a mask outside and has far fewer symptoms. Please do not assume that she is a Karen - she needs the mask so she can avoid the allergens.
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My question is this. Was she wearing the mask for pollens before Covid?
Bingo. If masks worked so well for things such as flu, allergies, etc...why werent we told to wear them pre covid??
The only place I know where people wore masks before the pandemic is in Japan. The only time people wear them is if they were personally sick. So they wouldn’t spread their germs on others. That’s it. Once they felt better they stop wearing the masks.
Could she have? Would she have been allowed to?
I kind of like being able to stay somewhat anonymous in public. I like knowing that my face isn’t showing up on doorbell cameras and traffic cameras and so forth.
I can’t think of anywhere in the pre-COVID US where someone could get away with wearing a mask in public without the police getting called on them within a few hours.
I get why Q people are rebelling against the notion of being told what to do, but I’ve always found it a little peculiar that you can now wear a mask in a police station or government office, and the biggest critics of this are the people who identify as “anons.”
I’m an anon who likes anonymity. Security is about layers. If I’m allowed to throw on a mask in public, that’s an additional layer of security I can enjoy.
Not every public action can be boiled down to one of two political motivations.
So what are you trying to say that you were a mask for anonymity in public?
Yep. Nobody has a right to see my mouth just because we’re sharing a public space. I don’t have to pretend to smile at people just for social niceties. I don’t have to be easily recognized by people I don’t feel like talking to.
Honestly, I kind of like being left alone in public. The mask gives me a little bit more control over that. It’s not much, but it costs me nothing and wearing a mask for hours doesn't bother me.
Wow how sad. So you hate your face, you don’t want people looking at you, and you don’t want to interact with other human beings. Got it. Sounds like you have autism or agoraphobia. You were made in the image of God, and you’re ashamed of it. This is what this pandemic has done to people. Actually led them to believe that they feel safer with their face covered like a slave with a cock muzzle. How sad is that !
It’s not shame. Introversion isn’t a mental disorder. :)
There’s a huge difference between being an introvert, and thinking you need to cover your face so others won’t see it.
Anyone who thinks that they’re safe wearing a mask, and that that gives them anonymity…
Your programming is complete!
Like I said, security is about layers. Absolutely nothing guarantees your security.
If I changed my license plate every month, I could still be tracked.
If I used multiple aliases for each part of my life, I could still be tracked.
If I dealt exclusively in cryptocurrency, I could still be tracked.
But a person who uses all three? They’re getting pretty hard to track.
A mask costs almost no money, is acceptable to wear in almost any location in the country, and effectively gives you more control over your own identity.
It is essentially a free layer of security. A decade ago, it would have been mystifying for personal autonomy advocates to be on the “anti” side of the mask-wearing debate.
Look, I’m not the one who turned masks into a political symbol, and I honestly couldn’t care less if you wear one or not.
But if you’re snickering at someone who is masked up in public, there’s a distinct possibility you’re mocking someone for taking their personal security more seriously than you do.
As I’ve insisted all along, the world is not so simple as to be easily divided into “with me” and “against me.”
Yes it’s sad that people actually have been convinced, that wearing a mask is actually to their benefit.
sorry dude.... masks outside get mocked.... 99.999% of the time the mocking is justified.... sorry that your wife has to be on the other side of it.
Came here to say this! But also that it's not necessarily psychosomatic. I don't know the size of pollen particles in the air, but they are certainly bigger than the SARS virus. Some pollen is definitely getting caught.
That being said, however! The caught pollen is now in her mask, from which she then breathes in along with any bacteria or other junk collecting on that mask. It makes practically no long-term sense to use the mask. The surgical masks aren't built for this usage, either, and there have been claims that they contain carcinogens.
I sincerely hope she finds a new, better solution. I've heard local bee pollen is a great way to slowly desensitize the body to local pollen and allergens (although it is an allergen itself). Maybe worth a try?
I agree with you! Similarly, studies on masks have shown that N95 masks are among the most effective, but only under certain conditions: that the mask is fitted, worn indoors (in a room where no one is coming and going, and all are also wearing fitted N95 masks), and the mask is replaced once an hour. Wearing one outdoors ruins the efficacy of the mask.
I'm sure it catches some of the pollen, but how well at that point? This is why I said it's not necessarily psychosomatic. Instead, I would simply try to avoid going outside a lot and have very good air filters at home. Otherwise, who are you fooling, really?
Not necessarily. Right now my driveway is covered with mesquite and paloverde pollen like snow, but it's big particles and any mask helps. Ditto for cutting bermuda grass and stirring up dust too. A good plan is to do all the outdoor stuff at once, one time during the day, and then take a shower, wash hair, change clothes so the pollen doesn't spread around the house at all.
Sorry, I will still snicker if I see her alone in her car with a mask on.
Remind her that she shouldn't care what people think. Just do your own thing.
I saw people wearing masks while mowing log before the biowarfare attack.
I still SMH in disbelief when people wear them at the grocery store.
Beware of the microplastics from the masks settling deep in your lungs.
I've had an elderly gentleman who was in oxygen and needed gas for his vehicle so he couldn't avoid the gas station.
He wore a mask and his hands were shaking. I felt so bad for him. I don't say anything if someone is wearing a mask.
However if you reach under your mask to lick your finger before counting your money all bets are off. I've had that happen a few times.
I still don't say anything, I just shake my head.
Then she should make a shirt stating that fact
Back in late 2019. I just assumed anyone wearing a mask either was a cancer patient and/or had heart or lung problems that made them concerned about the coof. By mid 2020 I assumed they were just obedient to the whims of their governors. Now that most people don't wear masks I've gone back to thinking that they must have a health reason for it. Of course, if they're alone in their car then I just try to get away from them as quickly as possible.
Has she tried a bubble, so she's inhaling clean air not bits of mask?
Quercetin, besides from being a zinc ionophore, works wonders for allergies. Look it up.
I saw a video of a (probably Californian) woman? pick up her dog's shit with her mask then put it back on.
Wonder if she's still alive today...
For op's wife... I can see the pollen in the air sometimes so it makes sense that a mask would catch some of it .
"Viruses" are another ball game.
At this point when I see someone wearing a mask, it does not make me hate them. It does not make me think they are stupid. It only further galvanizes me in my determination to see the DS dismantled for their lies and crimes.
This is an info war, after all, and anyone still bleeting and following the propaganda is just a casualty in that war.
Well, hey, every professional needs to take care of their tools. But cello players have trouble on airlines and buses, for entirely different reasons. I'm sure there are waves in public perception about everything, and for now she'll have to deal with many people having a false impression of her.
That said, allergen therapy is pretty well proven, although it takes time. So she can build up her immunity. Good luck to both of you!
Best thing for her would be to take her out back.