I know people have posted these lists before - I wasn't smart enough to save them. I've tried searching and can't find any related posts.
I've seen some of the 'classics' like:
- Vendetta
- Equilibrium
- Conspiracy Theory
- Jason Bourne trilogy
Any and all you can add would be appreciated.
The Manchurian Candidate is a classic.
Definitely a good one! I forgot about that one.
Please watch Stargate SG-1
I added that too...
The original mj recommended this years ago. I binged then all.
Especially season 5, ep. 10, when SGI meets an advanced race that begins depopulating humans without their knowledge.
Episode was called "2020" !
There is another episode called "2010" that connected as well.
Shit I've got a ton... And tv
Here are some that are conspiracy type or ones that make you think... Hmmm???
Off the top,:
12 monkeys tv version
Stargate sg1
Man in the high castle tv show
Assassination 33ad
Time machine
Truman show
The contractor
The invasion
They live
Tomorrow war
Thirteenth floor
Westworld tv show
AI artificial intelligence
Falling down
That's a good list
Yw 👍
======== Movies
Kill the Messenger (2014) The story of the reporter that broke the story of the CIA cocaine trafficking.
American Made (2017) The story of the Mena AR pilots and airport.
======== TV Shows
Dark Angel (2000) Girl escapes from genetic/MK-Ultra prison.
Dollhouse (2009) Pretty people programmed to be the playthings of the ultra rich.
Wow. We really are the Flintstones…
They Live and Network are essential viewing IMO...
Contagion movie was spot on.
If you have smaller kids, try The Incredibles 2... seriously. Look for correlations in characters and The Plan. Maxwell is the antagonist "Screen Slaver."
Above Majestic https://rumble.com/vucmqd-above-majestic.html
Brazil, They live, 12 monkeys, running man, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, Missing 411, Fire in the sky, Fringe T.V. series, eXistenZ, Gattaca.
Captain America: Winter Soldier
The Parallax View - an old movie starring Warren Beatty