Andy Ngo is a remarkable, brave man with some firsthand insight into the roots of the marxist-propagated violence. This example was a nice slap across that POS Swallowswell's trap.
He used to report in Portland when they were burning Portland down. He is extremely brave and yes, that's Swalwell's boy. Probably paid him to do that.
Well, Eric Swalwell won’t have to worry about her anymore, she was snuffed in that plane crash. I wonder what Eric had to agree to have that little problem “taken care of?” Care to comment on that Eric. You never made a peep about that when it happened, but now you act all superior. That’s all most Congress wants: power, money and sex at whatever cost be damned. Look the other way with Covid mandates, no problem. More money for Ukraine and the Nazis, as well as political payoffs/money laundering, no problem. Support a Covid shots for children? Definitely no problem. Go all out for Roe vs. Wade, yeh all in. You are all despicable. I pray you all go down with the a Democrat ship and Congress is dissolved because I am willing to bet 90% of you are on the take/corrupt. You are worthless scum.
Swalwell must be dumb as a box of rocks because he keeps setting himself up like that on Twitter. Although he’s probably just pretending like the Fang Fang thing never happened.
I'm beginning to think Fang Fang had a dick and he got his name from actually swallowing well. Except it was given to him as a pity nickname, the kind that they sigh and acquiesce to their whims, because he let the Fang Fang jizz fall out of his mouth and on to the floor.
Here a Fang, there a Fang, everywhere a Fang Fang.
Andy Ngo is a remarkable, brave man with some firsthand insight into the roots of the marxist-propagated violence. This example was a nice slap across that POS Swallowswell's trap.
He’s steady like a river.
You got the name wrong, it's "swallowell"
They don't make a cream for that burn.
He used to report in Portland when they were burning Portland down. He is extremely brave and yes, that's Swalwell's boy. Probably paid him to do that.
Well, Eric Swalwell won’t have to worry about her anymore, she was snuffed in that plane crash. I wonder what Eric had to agree to have that little problem “taken care of?” Care to comment on that Eric. You never made a peep about that when it happened, but now you act all superior. That’s all most Congress wants: power, money and sex at whatever cost be damned. Look the other way with Covid mandates, no problem. More money for Ukraine and the Nazis, as well as political payoffs/money laundering, no problem. Support a Covid shots for children? Definitely no problem. Go all out for Roe vs. Wade, yeh all in. You are all despicable. I pray you all go down with the a Democrat ship and Congress is dissolved because I am willing to bet 90% of you are on the take/corrupt. You are worthless scum.
That's fucking fantastic.
Swallowswell, Boy. I knew it!
Swalwell must be dumb as a box of rocks because he keeps setting himself up like that on Twitter. Although he’s probably just pretending like the Fang Fang thing never happened.
I'm beginning to think Fang Fang had a dick and he got his name from actually swallowing well. Except it was given to him as a pity nickname, the kind that they sigh and acquiesce to their whims, because he let the Fang Fang jizz fall out of his mouth and on to the floor.
Here a Fang, there a Fang, everywhere a Fang Fang.