Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
Kenneth H. Riffle is or was a Democratic Member of the West Virginia State House of Delegates in the 30th District; Elected 1984. He was also involved in the oil and gas industry in the 80's.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
/u/throwawayforyou u/PatriotSkorzeny u/LetsG0Brandon
Looks like the truck got lit up by Mexican Army.. threat averted
They could be killing the Dog narrative for the liver disease and now moving back to monkeypox narrative.
I didn't know they said she died from it.😲 Last thing I heard was the initial story.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.