Here is the thread I found this on
What a coincidence. This man built a engine that ran on water and he happened to get killed in the Buffalo shooting. Here is proof of his engine
It's entirely possible this was a conspiracy murder by the oil companies to assassinate the inventor that would make their product obsolete and bankrupt them, disguised as a white supremacist attack. A similar thing happened to Stanley Myer, the feds poisoned him because he made a car run on water.
A few weeks ago I discovered this video A man put a lawnmower carburetor on his old car that had a V8 in it and got 45mpg after tuning it. I wonder if the feds will come after this guy too. He has not made a video in weeks.
Yep, it has been done multiple times before. Same thing with getting cars to run on fumes and get over 100mpg, it has been done multiple times by different people and something always happens to them, they just disappear.
Because people prove them as frauds.
nope they usually turn up dead which is when you know they were really on to something :)
Stanley Meyer's patents have expired. Anybody who wants to can use them to turn their car into a perpetual motion machine that runs on water if it really works.
Vaporization of fuel isn't fraud, it's actually viable tech and is in use, especially on farms..
It is.
What is also fraud is your education.
See, the people that call it fraud, self-educated, instead of being indoctrinated.
He is NOT breaking the law of thermodynamics. So he is NOT getting out more energy than put in. So there is absolutely no point in doing this... just hook the damn vehicle up to whatever you split the water with, ffs.
You need energy to separate water.
260 kJ per mole of water, ~5 eV per molecule of water
I am sorry you did not pay attention when people were trying to educate you.
Why did I bring up the water first? Because that was the topic.
Now, onto fumes.
Your "claim" about fumes powering things shows a COMPLETE LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT A VOLATILE FUEL IS!
Go look it up.
Patents and practical applications, you condescending fuck.
Got it.
Because Ether you get it or you don't.
That said, vaporization of water isn't possible because then it isn't water.
Modern science is confused as to what all 'states' of any substance actually is, attempting to hold it's prior state as static. Ice becomes water becomes mist. Three words, three states, one substance.
"Education" : Everybody dry humping with no offspring produced.
Here's a shortcut around 'education' as to 'states of substance':
Energy Generators & Free Energy
by Theoria Apophasis