But aren't they depopulating their own supporters/voters for the most part? I think this is a pretty big flaw in their plan. I think this new manufactured crisis is for economic destruction via lockdowns and mail voting vs depop. That first one was setting the stage for 'unrelated', 'died unexpectedly' pop decline over the next couple of years.
The first thing the Bolshevicks did in Russia 1917-1923 was get rid of the very ones that brought them into power - The radicals, intellectuals, politicians, professors, doctors, theologians, etc (they tolerated the Semites, at first, then realized that collective as a whole was also dangerous - off to the gulags went the rabbi's). Christians, took the brunt. 12 million killed 1932-33 in the Ukraine alone (Holodomor). WW2
under Stalin another 20 million. So, depopulating their useful idiots is in their playbook.
That's why a part of me thinks the covid vaccine is part of Q and Trump's plan to eliminate the braindead from this country. If you haven't woken up by X number of boosters, you're already gone mentally and physically. It'd be a multigeneration solution to keeping America great.
But aren't they depopulating their own supporters/voters for the most part? I think this is a pretty big flaw in their plan. I think this new manufactured crisis is for economic destruction via lockdowns and mail voting vs depop. That first one was setting the stage for 'unrelated', 'died unexpectedly' pop decline over the next couple of years.
They don't need supporters or voters.
We are all useless to them, and their so called supporters are just useful idiots and will be the first lambs to the slaughter.
Whether you believe they're just evil humans, or something else entirely, the realization is the same. They have to go.
No as they rigged all the systems. Media, politicians and voting machines. That's why Biden didn't even need to campaign.
The first thing the Bolshevicks did in Russia 1917-1923 was get rid of the very ones that brought them into power - The radicals, intellectuals, politicians, professors, doctors, theologians, etc (they tolerated the Semites, at first, then realized that collective as a whole was also dangerous - off to the gulags went the rabbi's). Christians, took the brunt. 12 million killed 1932-33 in the Ukraine alone (Holodomor). WW2 under Stalin another 20 million. So, depopulating their useful idiots is in their playbook.
They could care less about those minions. We are all just useless eaters to them. There are always more stepping up on the wrong side.
That's why a part of me thinks the covid vaccine is part of Q and Trump's plan to eliminate the braindead from this country. If you haven't woken up by X number of boosters, you're already gone mentally and physically. It'd be a multigeneration solution to keeping America great.
I never thought about it that way, you've got a point. Q did say 'the solution is not for everyone' (paraphrased)
Yep, the end won't be for everyone...