yeah probably but I really dont think it was about getting attention in Times Square so much as letting the world that you are in Times Square, enemy territory, and are going to take them on....
I also think one of the reasons this is taking so long is because the patriots knew a large % of the population is too deceived to wake up to what is going on around them. So they are preparing the walking dead little by little to limit the panic, misunderstanding, and possible stupidity. Q did point out that people would need help understanding the truth when everything DS goes down.
They titled the picture "The Trump Card".
There is no reason to doom or doubt... though when Jesus was here people still doomed and doubted so... it's not welcome here, though.
Really cool
At first glance, I thought it said “”.
No, that would just be enslavement to lust.
I could get into that...
You just made me laugh hard
Ooh, nice.
sorry but i first read that as boners for freedom. i'm leaving i'm leaving...
Look at us in this country
As if it should be amazing just to be allowed freedom of expression
God I hate the authoritarian Ctrl-left
In the painting, I can't figure it out... Above Washington crossing the Delaware, who is the dude with glasses?
JFK with shades and a cigar
Ahh Very cool, thank you, I never would have figured that out!
Ummm, help me out here.... where is the Q? I don't see it.
Upper right above Trumps shoulder and the flag.
Ah... now I see it, thanks, fren.
as far as I could tell , originates from KagDrogo on telegram and posted on StormyPatriotJoes channel.....
But will the average NY'er do anything more than glance at it and forget they saw it?
Maybe I'm skeptical because the the average liberal coworker has done little more than roll over in their sleep....
yeah probably but I really dont think it was about getting attention in Times Square so much as letting the world that you are in Times Square, enemy territory, and are going to take them on....
Good point.
I also think one of the reasons this is taking so long is because the patriots knew a large % of the population is too deceived to wake up to what is going on around them. So they are preparing the walking dead little by little to limit the panic, misunderstanding, and possible stupidity. Q did point out that people would need help understanding the truth when everything DS goes down.
A big Q over Trump in Times Square
Got my book, it's cute, read the whole thing, fairly quickly too.