What is true is that the 1st Thanksgiving lasted 3-days. About fifty Pilgrims came and 90 Wampanoag Indians. 2/3rds of the attendees were Wampanoag.
Somewhere during the 3-day thing, the Pilgrims took out their muskets and "exercised arms" which basically means target practice. It might have been a way to show the Wampanoag Indians that they have guns and know how to use them... a subtle warning.
It was a political gathering to achieve a military alliance. Massoasoit, the Wampanoag king, was there. So was the English governor, William Bradford.
So no... no slaughter, no recorded conflicts. The gathering was a mostly men-only event, with the women doing the cooking but staying out of the way.
Rush Limbaugh would tell the true story of Thanksgiving every year and also wrote the story for children in his Rush Revere books. Highly recommend for all ages!
The warped narrative about Thanksgiving is real, however, and kids have been mindlessly absorbing this stuff for at least a decade. It's an absolute shame -- is no kid taught to critically examine such a narrative? We know the answer.
The early settlers and Indians got along by and large.
The Indians were recruited by the Brits and French in the French and Indian War and by the Brits in the Revolution and War of 1812 to terrorize the settlers.
The Brits paid the Indians for scalps. The Brits left the Indians out to dry after the Revolution and the War of 1812.
The left loves to conflate terms like pilgrim with terms like colonist. Pilgrims were specifically seeking religious freedom, whereas the colonists were seeking riches and fame.
Lefties love to make it seem like all of the indians were just innocent farmers loving the land and the white man bad came rushing in and gunned them all down. Truth is, some of the colonists were nasty guys and some of the indians were equally nasty guys. Much like nearly every conflict (or series of conflicts) there were good and bad on both sides of the situation.
Yes a few of the indian tribes fell for the same old demonic tricks and began the whole child eating shit. The tribes that followed the teachings of the peaceful side of nature aka (The creators perfect balance) was at war with them. It was happening here just as it was happing in europe. Demons and devils do not care about geological boundaries.
It's like the "all inventions came from black people" thing. Miseducation is everywhere. In school they taught my kids that historically, Reagan was unpopular and controversial, and gave them depressing slave narratives to read instead of things that would make them like to read. And then there's stuff like this Thanksgiving BS.
The slaughter that was occuring was cabalist colonist who integrated into high ranking military positions. Same playbook. Check into how many of those generals where freemasons.
No, that's not true.
What is true is that the 1st Thanksgiving lasted 3-days. About fifty Pilgrims came and 90 Wampanoag Indians. 2/3rds of the attendees were Wampanoag.
Somewhere during the 3-day thing, the Pilgrims took out their muskets and "exercised arms" which basically means target practice. It might have been a way to show the Wampanoag Indians that they have guns and know how to use them... a subtle warning.
It was a political gathering to achieve a military alliance. Massoasoit, the Wampanoag king, was there. So was the English governor, William Bradford.
So no... no slaughter, no recorded conflicts. The gathering was a mostly men-only event, with the women doing the cooking but staying out of the way.
Rush Limbaugh would tell the true story of Thanksgiving every year and also wrote the story for children in his Rush Revere books. Highly recommend for all ages!
The warped narrative about Thanksgiving is real, however, and kids have been mindlessly absorbing this stuff for at least a decade. It's an absolute shame -- is no kid taught to critically examine such a narrative? We know the answer.
Children are actively taught to NOT think critically - teachers don't want students derailing their indoc-, er, I mean lesson plans.
It's from false posts on social media like Insta, Twatter, and Tiktok - it's a CCP propaganda war. Of course it is false.
Do the people at his work have milticolored bright hair?
The early settlers and Indians got along by and large.
The Indians were recruited by the Brits and French in the French and Indian War and by the Brits in the Revolution and War of 1812 to terrorize the settlers.
The Brits paid the Indians for scalps. The Brits left the Indians out to dry after the Revolution and the War of 1812.
Good point.
The left loves to conflate terms like pilgrim with terms like colonist. Pilgrims were specifically seeking religious freedom, whereas the colonists were seeking riches and fame.
Lefties love to make it seem like all of the indians were just innocent farmers loving the land and the white man bad came rushing in and gunned them all down. Truth is, some of the colonists were nasty guys and some of the indians were equally nasty guys. Much like nearly every conflict (or series of conflicts) there were good and bad on both sides of the situation.
Yes a few of the indian tribes fell for the same old demonic tricks and began the whole child eating shit. The tribes that followed the teachings of the peaceful side of nature aka (The creators perfect balance) was at war with them. It was happening here just as it was happing in europe. Demons and devils do not care about geological boundaries.
Land O Lakes butter?
It's like the "all inventions came from black people" thing. Miseducation is everywhere. In school they taught my kids that historically, Reagan was unpopular and controversial, and gave them depressing slave narratives to read instead of things that would make them like to read. And then there's stuff like this Thanksgiving BS.
They watch too much fictional tv
And they didn’t serve turkey. Hot pockets.
Get your ... kids ............out of public schools
For true we slaughtered some Indians but... jThe slaughter didn't happen for years later.
The slaughter that was occuring was cabalist colonist who integrated into high ranking military positions. Same playbook. Check into how many of those generals where freemasons.