From the NIH home page … in the search bar at the top right … type “Covid Update truth”.
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I don't discount anything that you point out, and it is a step in the right direction.
I applaud Blaylock for his courage and conviction to pen this truth to his name, as he is but one sunshine soldier in a stormy sea of deceit.
My point is, this is not NIH admitting fuckery. More like NIH trying to get out in front of the realization many are waking to what we already know, which is also a good thing.
It's happened before on the NIH website. Someone published an article on how the masks are bogus and it was "debunked" and removed from the website. Anytime someone speaks the truth on there it gets shot down.
Guy opens back door to the ministry of truth.... Psst look at this...
Will be interested to follow-up on, as anyone can counter or add information. This really was brave of him