What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Sussman walks free (for now) and we Anons are smiling because we understand this is just a small piece of a bigger puzzle.
Everyday more inconsistencies emerge in the Uvalde shooting, and even our sleeping frens and family are asking us what we think went on there.
Biden tried to make amendments to the WHO Regulations to essentially make all the countries hand over the sovereignty of their countries to WHO, but Brazil has managed to keep this in check. Is this going to be another BBB moment?
Most people who took the double jabs are refusing to take the booster and some are even openly regretting their initial jabs and angry at being lied to.
Bill Gates' smirking everytime he mentions any major world tragedy has finally started to raise questions even amongst the normies.
One day when our grand kids ask us what it was like to be in this Biblical moment of Great Awakening, I am sure all these will be part of the story we tell them. In the meantime moar wins please!!
Your name has popped up a lot today, fren. Really like your take here. I believe God clearly lead the founding fathers to create the USA and to be able to preserve it for Christians for generations to come.
Do you have any quick thoughts on how Revelations plays into The Great Awakening? Or is there too much to unpack?
I've been meaning to start a thread to discuss this with GAW minds. My Christian mentor kinda said there were three schools of thought about what Revelations means. If I recall, two of them were Rapture and then Judgement Day when Jesus returns and I forgot the 3rd one. The "take" with the most evidence behind it is Judgement Day and he believes we're getting closer to Judgement Day and doesn't believe in a plan to save the USA/world (courtesy of TGA).
If God saves humanity now, does that mean the Revelations won't be until another 1000+ yrs down the road?
*PS. Don't be too sure about the theological constructs that precede us, like "the rapture = X" etc. For thousands of years, scripture has been interpreted by people who have had limited understanding of what is really going on with God. Even Saint Paul openly admitted this: "Now we see dimly, as through a dark glass...."
Being open to God's interpretation of the bible is 1000 times more important than simply inheriting and accepting what theologians or others have interpreted and promulgated as 'truth'.*
This snippet is very even keel and seems very fair. The Bible was interpreted and translated and passed through the hands of man, who is imperfect, so there is bound to be some missteps, IMO. And, I think the Cabal/Satan might have had their hands involved at some point along the way...
So, let’s bring together these two points: the development of intellect and the development of faith.
Today, humanity in general has a highly mature intellectual capacity with a foundation where we need to resolve the issues of faith not “as a child, thinking and reasoning as a child”, but “as a man, setting aside the childish (aka immature and intellectually contradictory) interpretations and understanding of scripture. We need to reach for an understanding that allows us to bring together all the things we know in a framework that is clear and logical, that resolves the contradictory issues and allows us to grasp the scripture and the work of God in a way that is unified with our intellect and grasp of the reality of the physical universe.
Based on such an objective, let's think of some questions to which we might apply the same level of intellectual understanding we have about the material universe (laws of biology, chem, physics, math, etc) but applied to the matters raised by scripture.
For example: Scripture says Adam and Eve would die when they ate the fruit, but also that Adam lived hundreds of years after that. So, what actually happened? Also, what was the fruit? Was the fruit a material fruit? Was it symbolic? What were the actual consequences or results of the mistake that they made? How do those consequences manifest in their world and our world?
And why did God actually give the commandment? How can we reconcile, logically, the idea that God is a loving father with the idea that he placed his children in a situation where they could die? Could it be a test? No loving parent would devise such a test. So, why? How?
Also, the Fall of Adam and Eve became the origin of sin. Why is sin inherited? How is it inherited? Why do successive generations also have sin? Why doesn’t it stop with one generation?
What about Christians? Why is it that even if the parents are ‘saved’, and then give birth to children, why do those children also need to be saved? Why aren’t they ‘saved’ already?
What about resurrection? What actually happens? Is it material? Spiritual? Or what? What are the mechanisms by which resurrection takes place? Is it instantaneous, or does it happen over time? What are the laws which govern resurrection? If there are laws of physics, are there laws that govern resurrection? If so, what are they?
What about our spirit? How is it structured? The laws of physics, chem, biology, etc, control and determine our physical health. Are there laws that determine our spiritual health? If so, what are they? How can we be sure they are actual laws, and not just ideas? What does sin do to us, and our spiritual capacity and function?
Many of these are reasonable questions that believers over the last 2000 years may have grappled with at some point, but which few, if any, could resolve clearly without appealing to the solution I mentioned before: either dismissing intellectual knowledge and logic (i.e. about the laws of physics, chemistry, etc) or dismissing the one or more parts of the evidence of scripture.
However, if God created us with the capacity to understand the material world to the level that we currently do, isn't it logical to think that he also created us to understand the world of spirit and heart, etc., to the same level?
The logical conclusion to that question is that the Fall of Adam and Eve was not just a spiritual and moral fall, but also an intellectual one. Humanity fell into ignorance, both about spiritual things (the nature of God, the nature of our own spirit and existence, the purpose of creation, how God works to resolve sin in us) and about material things (the nature of God’s created universe, including the biological, chemical, and physical laws that govern it. If this is a logical conclusion, is it borne out by what we know about history, and scripture? Yes.
Over the history of God's providence (revealed in scripture) we can see that intellectually humanity has risen from ignorance to knowledge with regards to the material world. But also, this is true of the spirit. Ignorance about the nature of God has been removed step by step by knowledge about God - who God is, what his nature is, what this purpose is, etc.. that has been imparted in stages via God’s Word over time.
Abraham's understanding of God was very different (greatly developed) compared to other people of his time. The Israelites were educated to understand that God is one, and that all the other 'minor' gods are false. Later, Jesus brought an even clearer understanding of God, and attempted to educate his people in that regard. How there was something even greater or deeper than “the Law”.
And yet, Jesus also said: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."
Let's put it all together. The truth about the material world has been revealed more and more to humanity (particularly in the last 500 years) via the path of science. The truth about God and the spiritual reality has been revealed more and more to humanity via the path of Faith and religion (aka via God's word).
But as both Jesus and Paul indicate clearly in the scripture, our level of understanding God is not (or was not) complete, and at some point, it is destined to increase to a complete level: "Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
At some point, the internal spiritual knowledge we have gained and the external material knowledge we have gained need to be brought together in a unified God-centered framework so that our experience of contradictions between the two are satisfactorily resolved.
Applying this logic to the question of the nature of the relationship between Revelation and the Great Awakening (where we are now in history), we logically need to do a few things. One, we need to grasp clearly what Revelation is all about. Two, we need to have some standard or criteria for evaluating that.
The key to understanding Revelation is actually found in Genesis. Genesis is about the start of the so-called history of humanity. Revelation is about the conclusion of the history of humanity. The scientific approach we apply in the material world works because we have come to grasp clearly that there is a direct relationship between cause and effect. Via effect, we learn about cause. Likewise, to grasp Revelation, we need to grasp Genesis first.
There are two logical sections to Genesis actually. One is the creation of the universe and man by God, pre-sin. Two, is the Fall of man into sin, and an unfolding of the consequences. Only a satisfactory, logical and clear grasp of both of these topics can be the basis for understanding not only revelation, but the whole of scripture comprised of the Old and New Testament, because the Scripture itself is the explanation (even if not 100% clear) of how God is resolving the second point: the consequences of the Fall.
That’s a lot to unpack, I know, but I mention all this because the Great Awakening is about humanity waking up to understand the actual mechanisms by which Satan has been exercising his sovereignty of the world. But there’s a really interesting part of Genesis that gives us a clue as to how we can understand the larger dimensions of God’s providence as well as what is happening now.
Look at the process by which God “created” Adam. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
So, this is God’s creation process for man: First, God formed Adam’s flesh using the material elements of the universe. (This is symbolizes by God using the dust of the ground. It’s written using that language and that metaphor because that is all that the people of that day – Moses time, could grasp. They knew almost nothing about atoms, about the vast material universe, etc.). Second, God invested his spirit into Adam (the “breath of life”).
God’s providence of salvation is the providence of God’s recreating us, restoring us from a sinful state to a non-sinful state. The Great Awakening is happening first, revealing and exposing the external, material mechanisms of Satan’s ruling over our world. Following the Great Revelation, humanity will be exposed to the truth about all the secrets of how Satan has interfered with humanity spiritually and continually led us to sin. (i.e. the many things Jesus Christ had to share with his people and his disciples, but which they could not grasp or bear; i.e. the knowing clearly even as I am known that Paul could foresee). External knowledge first, internal knowledge second. Dust first, breath of life second.
That, at any rate, is, in part and in very broad strokes, my understanding of where we are and how the Great Awakening relates to the unfolding of God’s truth.
Thanks for the opportunity to share. Can go more into Revelation another time, perhaps.
Note: In the above, I put aside any contemplation of how the Cabal may have distorted the historical record here. I know there are people who do subscribe that that direction of thinking (just like there are flat-earthers), but let me just say, for me, such theorizing is not helpful at this juncture, imo. I accept scripture as it is, and believe that God is speaking to us through scripture. However, it also seems clear that the Old Testament and the New Testament both contain many, many issues that can only be resolved by gaining a deeper and clearer insight than has, up to this point, been available to us.
Hey, Beat_it.
Apologies for the late reply. Been occupied with a few things.
Thank you for your kind comments. Splitting this reply into two separate comments, as I go over the character limit.
Your last comment is, in my view, wise, re: Mis-steps and interferences.
I have quite a few thoughts on how Revelations relates to the Great Awakening, but I'd like offer a few ideas that I think are relevant when approaching this topic:
One, consider where we are intellectually today and how the intellectual level of humanity has developed over the past 4000+ years (aka the known biblical periods, not including the period from Adam to Abraham).
What was the intellectual capacity of people alive in Jesus time, for example? Did they understand even basic complex mathematics? Did they have a clear working knowledge of biology? of chemistry or physics? From the viewpoint of intellect, we see that there has been massive development over the last 2000, and in particular, since the Renaissance. How does our intellect impact on how we interpret God’s word?
I'm not disregarding or disrespecting the value of the moral understanding of our forebears. Morally, spiritually, many were in a much better condition than a lot of people today (consider the number of people who have fallen into ignorance even about the existence of God today (aka they do not even believe that God exists, and cannot recognize his presence in their lives or the world)).
Moral and spiritual understanding are different from intellectual understanding. However, God created human beings with the capacity for both, and both are designed to complement each other. So the point I'm making here is that historically, our intellectual understanding has been raised in order to complement and reciprocate with our moral and spiritual understanding.
People like Peter, James, John, Paul, etc., had very limited intellectual capacity. Not saying they were dumb, but overall, compared to today, there was much less intellectual development in those times, and they had much less developed capacity to grasp, reason and resolve things intellectually.
Today, however, even high school students can study and grasp levels of maths, science (biology, chem, physics, etc) and highly complex systems etc, beyond what even the most intelligent person in the preceding 4000+ plus years could grasp or understand. Also, we are for the most part trained to think logically about things.
This is one reason why the theological explanations of the scripture developed in the way they did; they were coming from a moral/spiritual base, but with (comparatively) very limited intellectual basis.
So, when scripture says something "Elisha saw Elijah go to Heaven in a fiery chariot", most people could only conceive of that in literal terms of a physical chariot and Elijah somehow going up in the physical sky (to disappear somewhere until he returns....).
However, we know and understand today from our grasp of the laws of physics and biology, etc., that there is no where in the upper atmosphere where Elijah could hang around, alive, and wait to return. Also, that fiery chariot... was it a horse and chariot, or some sort of spacecraft, or what?
Today, some people try to resolve the discrepancy and contradictions between their scriptural understanding (based on centuries of theory and interpretations made by people who understood nothing about physics, chem, biology, etc) on one hand and the reality of our highly developed intellectual understanding of the sciences on the other by appealing to the idea of "miracles".
E.g. Elijah going into 'heaven' the upper atmosphere in the sky was somehow a miracle and he was miraculously transported (by some miracle) to a place where he stayed until it was time to return. The modern intellect asks “How does that make sense?" The answer many people come up with, based on traditional theological interpretations, is “Well, it's a miracle, and we cannot understand God's miracles...! So that is that. Next question?”
Others might appeal to science fiction-type solutions. Eg. Elijah was transported by a space vehicle provided by super-intelligent extraterrestrial aliens, and was transported to (a space station or a colony or the moon or to another planet or star system, or to a base on Antarctica) etc.
However, neither of these solutions are based on knowledge. For that reason, the contrasting elements of scripture/faith on one hand and science/intellect on the other – which appear contradictory - are only superficially resolved, by sacrificing one or the other. Extremists will even say “well, obviously scripture is hogwash, because ...... (science).” But if we know and believe that scripture is true, then somehow, we need to resolve the (apparent) contradictions.
Two, consider the nature of Faith. Logically, and intellectually, we can understand that true faith is faith based in and rooted in knowledge. We cannot believe in Jesus if we know nothing about him. We need the knowledge – which is imparted via the Word and historical record – as the foundation to begin developing faith.
Faith grows through three distinct stages in order to become true or mature faith.
The first stage is blind faith - faith of a child. The heart is open, and so it believes, uncritically. The second stage is questioning faith - faith of the questioning adolescent. Critical thinking has emerged, and now the believer is questioning the things he was taught and believes. (Note: In the modern world, many people are derailed at this stage, because they cannot resolve the contradiction between their intellectual knowledge and logic, and the existing interpretations of the Scripture.)
The third stage is faith with knowledge - the faith of the spiritual ‘adult’. The person has grappled with contradictions, come to understand more clearly what is false and what is true, and through actual experience now KNOWS the things that his faith is rooted in.
This is what Paul was alluding to when he said "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Cor 13:12
First, he's explaining that one's understanding of things grows in the same way that a child grows to manhood. Then, he explains where "we" are (where they were) at that time: dim reflection, knowing (understanding) only in part.
So, let’s bring together these two points: the development of intellect and the development of faith. (Continued in next comment)
You should look into amillennialism. When I delved into this eschatology things became so much clearer.
In amillennialism, the “1,000 years” is happening right now. Christ’s work in this world—His life, death, resurrection, and ascension—greatly hindered the works of Satan so that the message of the gospel could leave Israel and go out to the ends of the earth, just as it has done. The 1,000 years spoken of in Revelation 20, in which Satan is “bound,” is figurative and fulfilled in a spiritual sense. Satan is “bound” in that he is restricted from implementing all his plans. He can still perform evil, but he cannot deceive the nations until the final battle. Once the “1,000 years” are over, Satan is released to practice his deception for a little while before the return of Christ.”
I believe what we are witnessing right now is satan being restricted from implementing all his plans (NWO). The 1,000 Year Reign is over and the final battle is what we are experiencing now, transgenderism, covid, vaccine, the whole crazy world we wake up to everyday, etc.... Satan gets to have his fun and the powers that be are allowing it. It’s what was meant to happen. We were warned of it.
Satan has been running around all the nations having his last hurrah the last 3 years. It’s evident most of us are not deceived, and more have come closer to God! But sadly, some Christians have failed, they have remained in the matrix and followed the antichrist. The Bible did warn of this during the end of times. I don’t believe the anitichrist to be a person. I think it’s a thing, for example, media, big pharma, what have you.
We are getting close my friend. The return of Christ is on the horizon.
Thanks! What you said absolutely makes sense - I'll definitely check out amillennialism. I'm just having trouble trying to figure out why God has implemented a plan to save us, that appears to be different than what Revelations tells us. I'm certainly no expert, but I feel like we're missing a piece to the puzzle. Regardless, "getting right with God and Jesus" seems like the prudent thing to do. Still new and learning a lot as I go...