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Chronic Metapmorphosis is correct.
But I've recently confirmed it goes beyond that.
I cannot communicate it naturally in writing. It's a wordless realization.
Basically, it's like this...
Light is not the fastest thing in the Universe.
One thing travels faster than light.
A surface knows beforehand when a photon is on course to interact with it.
Information travels faster than light.
Then, too, does our ability to obtain knowledge from the Aether exceed any physically known phenomena in terms of sheer velocity.
Knowledge is the fastest thing in the Universe, for it cannot be measured how quickly the human mind can attain understanding of a thing.
What does this mean, necessarily?
How does this relate to the topic at hand -- that they project everything they plan before it happens?
They project their plans because otherwise it cannot work. That's the "trick" to acquiring your goal. You have to BELIEVE that you have already realized your goals, and therefore you will.
It's beyond mere psychology.
The fabric of reality is woven by a single strand -- a single frequency. Only by casting the string forward into time might you be able to bend light before it settles on its fixed path. Therefore, projection is necessary to that end.
They project in the small, that which they seek to do in the large, in keeping with the reality present in "As above, so below."
The Symbol Language existed before our ability to comprehend it. It is a living thing, with its own agency. Like a whale swimming in the ocean, what could man possibly do to sway it from its trajectory and towards man's personal goals?
You must first see as the whale sees. Know what sways it, what it prefers, and why it carries forth into the depths. Knowledge of the Whale in hand, you may now provide ample bait.
They are fishing for a reality yet to be realized. They cast their lines with no assurance that Fate, the heart of the Symbol Language, be ever in their favor.
It's a paradox to be sure, ever bit as puzzling as the chicken and the egg. In reality, however, we see the motif play out time and time again. If you don't believe you have the capacity to achieve your goal, you will not achieve it. And so they boldly tell us what they shall do, taunting Fate to dare relent.
Again. It's rambling to be sure. If I could sit down in person and explain it, Nature would provide ample means of revelation. Alas, the medium of writing occasionally grants no succor to the ever-nursing mind...
This is how memes work.
Which is why the Cabal is gonna lose. They can't domesticate that which they cannot understand.
"Memes are fast as fuck, boi!"
Beautifully stated, I just had one of those info dumps thanks to you guys!
Wow, like that guy whose saying all the cells in our body emit & receive signals and it's the surrounding cells that tell the other to either keep going doing what they're doing or to stop.
All 'they' need to do is change the pattern of one persons beliefs and those people resonate the "spell" (for lack of a better word) to everyone they are near, without ever physically interacting ...
THAT's why we need to be cognizant of our own vibration?! Boom. The light just went on for me friend, unless I butchered the lesson you so kindly offered.
You are correct, but only those fish who swim towards the net will be ensnared.
We are all our own agents. It is not possible for them to sway the minds of those who are not willing.
This is very important to understand: They believe reality will bend to their will if enough people believe in a fallacy.
This is only true to a point; a bend does not imply that reality has broken.
The Universe is elastic, and every bend will inevitably right itself. Only One among us holds Authority to bind and loose, though we may hold the Key. Only He may break the iron rod and mend it with a single breath, and his domain is preeminent and immutable. He alone is the Word, of which the Law was written in inspiration.
Jesus is that One -- the Son of Man who reigns supreme. He rights the wayward course that the Adversary (Satan) deceives us into following. His Mercy is beyond all comprehension, which is why Satan cannot tame it.
Upon his death and resurrection, every spell of the Author of Sin was given an exit clause. The Devil can hold no legal contract over any soul that begs in true forgiveness from the Mercy of God.
Thank you slerpydude, I appreciate your posts very much
GOD Bless you
I second that.. Thank you !
I'm going to reread this over time, thank you. Is information/thought beyond energy then?
Have you ever been moved to tears by music?
What force was it that moved you to tears? Can you possibly begin to measure such a thing? By what ruler might you attempt to measure it?
Yes. Information/Thought/Knowledge/Wisdom is beyond the bounds of energy. In a way, they are its definition, though only one of a triune uniformity.
How might we come to be known by the Universe?
To Be. To Know. To Do.
The Universe knows us by our Body, Mind, and Soul.
Therefore, the Universe, too, must know of a thing for it to be. Otherwise it is not. Then, once it is known, it must do to differentiate itself from the other.
Only Agents (those with individual agency) can take that which is not and present it to the Universe like a child fresh from the womb. We, Men who Create, are Agents which birth into the Universe that which has yet to be but always was, infinitely known by a timeless God, the Creator of Creators and King of Kings.
We glorify Him by emulation when we give birth to His thoughts in the Present, in fulfillment of our role as His Children -- when the Creator's Creation Creates. The Multiplicity.
Ponder this alongside the Mozart effect.