This lady was fired for having a conceal carry permit, not a gun. She was considered a security risk and escorted outside like a criminal. She should sue.
🧠 These people are stupid!

It prob wasn't a false report. You tell the police, "I'm about to ask someone to get off my property, and I'm worried they're going to fight back." and the police will show up. They don't come in guns drawn, they just hang out, and if the person refuses to leave they'll say "You have to leave now or we'll have to arrest you." Their job is to keep things calm.
You can fire someone for any reason in an at-will employment state - what are the police supposed to do! "Hey, as a police officer I Judge the firing reason faulty, and therefore this person can stay and keep getting paid!"
Don't get me wrong - I want this company sued to the ground.
You can refuse to enforce stupid shit over stupid reasons? Not hard.