Interesting comment from a reformed liberal who has witnessed the results of uncontrolled immigration in Sweden 🇸🇪
🤡 Clown World 🌎
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"My point in all this, is that, liberals are often delusional & disconnected from reality. They’re driven by irrational guilts & childish emotions with no substances".
Liberals are afraid to generalize, yet still, all it took was for him to experience what it's like living in a no-go zone to understand why it's destructive to let in so many illegals that certain neighborhoods becomes no-go zones.
This is what made Paludans Quran burning in Örebro so great, it brought the Muslims into a nicer neighborhood and exposed all the liberals there to what Islam really is, and how easily offended they are as they set fire on police cars and create chaos over one burned book.
White cultures are Guilt-driven.
Asian cultures are Shame-driven.
Black cultures are Fear-driven.
666 is well versed in exploiting each culture's 'weakspot' to full effect.
Some moron on Facebook was trying to shame those who were criticizing a "pride" parade that happened over the weekend and claiming that the "real loving Christians" were in attendance. I told he I wasn't feeling any guilt and to shame me harder.
I just saw this video this weekend and your comment made me think of it. Those so called "Christians" are nothing more than SJWs that are products of the new brand of Christianity being pumped out of Bible colleges and seminaries. We are under attack. Long video but worth the watch. ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH: THE INTENTIONAL SUBVERSION OF OUR CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS
This guy pretty much sums up the upper income, white liberal to a T.
I live in a very high income county, and it appears that over the last 30-40 years, the people in this bubble, have become totally disconnected with many realities, and as a consequence, most of the people under 45 are now liberals.
Comment matches up nicely with the work of David Hawkins, whose scale of consciousness (1 - 1000), places shame (20) and guilt (40) at the bottom of the ladder. Further, he asserts that anyone ranking below the 200 level is unable to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Childhood trauma is devastating...