Mom wanted to nurse, and she nursed me. I think she just trusted doctors too much. When I was vax damaged from the tetanus shot, she was told that it was just a complete random fluke and she believed that, too. It was a different time in the '70s.
I had a tetanus shot in grade school. One half of my body was paralyzed for almost two weeks. They told my mom it was a fluke as well. Thank goodness I am older and was not exposed to the vaxxine barrage that came later. Autism was unheard of when I was a kid. How times have changed.
I was born in '76 (hence the 76 in my username). Even in just the 14 years since my girl was born, it seems that the number of shots have proliferated.
As soon as Reagan signed the law that removed liability for vaxxine manufacturers, the children's schedule has gone off the charts. I have watched the deterioration of our kids over the last several decades. I have been around long enough to actually witness this decline. As a nation and a culture we are headed for big trouble.
Yes, autism was unheard of. People like to say “oh, those kids were just labeled weird or disobedient, we’re better at diagnosing today”…as someone who has worked with autistic kids as a career, no fucking way. Examples of client behavior: punching and kicking holes in walls, peeing on themselves for attention, climbing on therapists’ backs and trying to bite their neck, destroying the entire house (papers, toys, lamps everywhere) when they get overstimulated. That’s not a weird or disobedient kid that goes to mainstream school and grows up to be just fine. MANY of these kids are profoundly disabled! Cases like we see today were rare before the 80s and 90s.
No kidding. Anyone that makes a claim like that is full of crap. There is no mistaking autism spectrum for those that have an autistic kid or have dealt with autistic people. This was not misdiagnosed 50 years ago as something else - period!
TV shows haven’t helped, either. The Good Doctor, Big Bang Theory, and Young Sheldon just make autism look quirky and fun or even funny, and people on the spectrum as these highly intelligent, incredibly gifted figures. That’s nowhere near reality for so many families.
My son was allergic to the pertussis vax. bad infection at the injection site but he walked it off. Talk about not trusting doctors. I had both my kids at home so I was really lucky in that regard. The hospital was full of sick people, no place to give birth!
Mom wanted to nurse, and she nursed me. I think she just trusted doctors too much. When I was vax damaged from the tetanus shot, she was told that it was just a complete random fluke and she believed that, too. It was a different time in the '70s.
I had a tetanus shot in grade school. One half of my body was paralyzed for almost two weeks. They told my mom it was a fluke as well. Thank goodness I am older and was not exposed to the vaxxine barrage that came later. Autism was unheard of when I was a kid. How times have changed.
I was born in '76 (hence the 76 in my username). Even in just the 14 years since my girl was born, it seems that the number of shots have proliferated.
As soon as Reagan signed the law that removed liability for vaxxine manufacturers, the children's schedule has gone off the charts. I have watched the deterioration of our kids over the last several decades. I have been around long enough to actually witness this decline. As a nation and a culture we are headed for big trouble.
Yes, autism was unheard of. People like to say “oh, those kids were just labeled weird or disobedient, we’re better at diagnosing today”…as someone who has worked with autistic kids as a career, no fucking way. Examples of client behavior: punching and kicking holes in walls, peeing on themselves for attention, climbing on therapists’ backs and trying to bite their neck, destroying the entire house (papers, toys, lamps everywhere) when they get overstimulated. That’s not a weird or disobedient kid that goes to mainstream school and grows up to be just fine. MANY of these kids are profoundly disabled! Cases like we see today were rare before the 80s and 90s.
No kidding. Anyone that makes a claim like that is full of crap. There is no mistaking autism spectrum for those that have an autistic kid or have dealt with autistic people. This was not misdiagnosed 50 years ago as something else - period!
TV shows haven’t helped, either. The Good Doctor, Big Bang Theory, and Young Sheldon just make autism look quirky and fun or even funny, and people on the spectrum as these highly intelligent, incredibly gifted figures. That’s nowhere near reality for so many families.
My son was allergic to the pertussis vax. bad infection at the injection site but he walked it off. Talk about not trusting doctors. I had both my kids at home so I was really lucky in that regard. The hospital was full of sick people, no place to give birth!