One or the other has to happen, no ifs, ands, or buts. There is no way to sustain our current global environment without one or the other happening. I keep hearing the DS is scared, in a panic, etc, and for sometime now have wondered, yeah, but are they really?
This post is a progression from my previous post but felt it was too much to edit.
So, we find ourselves facing either the Great Awakening, or the Great Reset, but what's the trigger for either? For the Great Awakening we all keep waiting for the big break from Durham, the first State to decertify, Twitter with a Storm update, etc. All the while things are going farther and farther down the shitter, gas/energy prices, inflation, supply lines, etc.
So what I'm theorizing is that, lets start with the Great Reset, the DS is driving societal collapse, utterly, nothing but a bunch of rage filled, angry, depressed, addictioned people waiting for a spark to explode. Their Narrative becomes easier to drive, disarming people that aren't already, implementing social credit scores/digital passports, then collapsing Fiat currency and implementing CBDC, personal carbon credits, and repression of humanity like never before.
The Great Awakening on the other hand, is driving financial collapse. By no means would this be an ideal scenario for our social climate, the WHs would swoop in with a parallel decentralized economy, either a temporary or permanent solution doesn't matter at this point, but I think this would heal society and reverse the engineered staunch opposition the DS has been building. Thus avoiding a social collapse, or at least no where near the scale the DS would like.
With CBs toppled, the DS is unfunded and out of gas, now draining the swamp, class action lawsuits, Military Tribunals is easy peasy with minimal opposition.
Why hasn't either happened yet? Trump came along and interrupted the Great Reset which was progressing along nicely but not quite ready yet. The Great Awakening is as well moving along nicely but not ready yet either. By not ready yet, I think both sides still have some polishing up before being ready to "save the day", WHs with a ready parallel economy, and DS with a ready digital ID/CBDC system. Both are ready in an "Oh shit, it's go time!" moment though. But look at how things have been stringing along yet building on both sides, I think the defining go moment for either is a complete collapse, of either society or finance, then the rest of what we're all waiting for will be the drips finally breaking the dam and everything coming out to all.
God Bless, NCSWIC
Lo ciento, soy muy estupido, but I try my best.
Edit: I guess I never really said why I don't think the DS are in a panic. They have been back and forth for centuries, if they'd had no opposition all this time, I think we'd be much worse off than we are now. I think for them this is just business as usual, albeit a bit rushed now thanks to Trump. Are they running their same old play? Yes, same old bag of tricks that we've seen, but no matter, it's working. But on the flipside, it's also working against, regardless I think they're on "auto-pilot" as a whole, but bet your britches many of the lower ranks are breaking sweats! Circles within circles, within circles and so on and so forth, to truly make the inner most circle panic will be collapse of all their money making rackets.
How exactly is collapse of the US dollar gonna help us? If anything it will help them set up what ever global currency they want for their NWO. I feel like nothing can stop what is coming is reference to Bible prophecy. For those of us who believe in revelations is hard to not see the whole Deep state collapse contradicts scripture. Unless after the deep state, the replacement is the beast and anti christ.
What is our money but worthless notes? A digital note being just as worthless ontop of requiring actual oil and electric energy to produce…..
Back that by gold and platinum
bring back gardens bartering and a decentralized system which doesn’t track and tax your every breath fart and cheeseburger….
And maybe you’re onto something….
Agree. Just because it isn’t hell on earth in your neighborhood, doesn’t mean all the poor, and the vaxed, and the dead, and the hungry, and the closed businesses, and the sick haven’t lived hell on earth.
Most American patriots aren't quite ready to accept the full extent of what is coming, IMO. I think the three sides of the pyramid referred to by Q roughly map to the three Earthly entities referred to in Revelation.
I have become convinced that the very idea of "democracy" (or more expansively, the abstract idea of "collective self governance") is the Beast that once was dead but now the wound is healed. Athenian democracy preceded the prophetic vision of Revelation, and the events of the New Testament in their entirety, and yet, the Bible never explicitly mentions the democratic system, and seems to implicitly denounce it. God consistently admonishes the faithful to not reject the Earthly authorities which have been appointed by Him. This entails that HE chooses our leaders, not us, and the manner in which He chooses to appoint them seems to be through monarchical hierarchies - kingdoms and empires. It's going to be a hard pill to swallow for Americans who've spent their entire lives revering this system of government devised by our forefathers, but we are supposed to submit ourselves to Godly authority and His chosen avatars on Earth. We were never supposed to practice "politics", and certainly never supposed to be revolutionaries. Politics is entirely antithetical to Christianity, which is inherently counter-revolutionary, unifying instead of divisive. So, the first Beast is a perpetual state of revolution, brought about by the delusion of "collective self governance". If authority is not ultimately given to God, then it belongs to man, and is therefore illegitimate. If I don't like it, I tear it down and take the authority for myself. Then I am overthrown, and then my usurper is overthrown, and so on and so on in perpetuity, because all worldly authority is imminently fallible by nature of the fact that it can be taken by force of arm or word.
Is there a side of the pyramid dedicated to division and revolution, per Q?
Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
Ok, so that's one down. Let's see if the hypothesis continues to hold up...
The second Beast is the Beast of the Mark, which lends the first Beast its power, and so we can surmise that this Beast entails the global central banking system, or more abstractly, their influence. And through Q, we know that this entity also controls the Church...
Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)
Banks / Financial Institutions
WW Gov Control
Gov Controls People
And it fits narratively. The central banking system funds the forever wars to "spread democracy around the globe", and the Catholic church (i.e. Vatican) lends legitimacy to the effort through appealing to Christian morality for justification to ostensibly "spread western Christian values throughout the world", even though we Anons know that's not what is happening at all, because...
The third entity is the whore of Babylon. Fitting, then, that the final side of the pyramid just so happened to be the House of Saud, descended from Babylon itself. So, let's see what Q has to say about Saudi Arabian jurisdiction within the "pyramid", and reconcile that with scripture.
Oil Tech Sex/Children
SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)
Ok, so SA oversees the blackmail operations involving sex with children, AND they oversee tech companies, i.e. the internet and communications technology, which just so happens to be the primary means by which pornography, prostitution, and a plethora of destructive sexual ideologies have proliferated rapidly across the globe. Q doesn't explicitly state that any side of the pyramid controls all media and pop-culture, but given SA oversees what could generally be described as "cultural" vectors of power, we can assume they also control vast swaths of the media and Hollywood as well. Sounds like a "whore" would be a perfect allegorical representation of this side of the pyramid, eh? It is also interesting that per Q, SA was the first side of the pyramid to be neutralized, and per scripture the first Beast hates the whore and kills her, brings desolation to her and burns her. I guess it remains to be seen whether the cabal in its death throes will lash out and destroy SA, its former ally. If SA controls the tech industry and the cabal initiates a global EMP, I guess that would qualify, but we'll have to wait and see on that...
Regardless, I think the described qualities of the two beasts and the whore map perfectly onto the three sides of the pyramid with their associated spheres of influence. And Q did say the ending would be Biblical.
Ultimately, what I mean by all this is that I believe that if the end is truly Biblical, then that implies an adherence to the authority of Christ, which necessitates that we drop the collective delusion of self-governance, and return to the natural hierarchical societal structure intended by God, i.e. a return to monarchy of some type.
This is the red pill most Anons are not yet ready to swallow, IMO. But consider this... Think about the times we are going through right now. Think about the broken relationships fueled by political animus. Think of the millions of Americans who are harboring bitterness and resentment at their spouses for voting for Biden, or Trump. Ask yourself if it makes sense that our homes being divided by politics is part of God's plan. And if we're right, and the system is and has been rigged for a long, long time, then is the "idea" of the cherished Constitutional Republic put forth by our forefathers even "real" at all?
Would it be better for husband, wife, and child to be unified, suffering in togetherness under a tyrant king but certain that the tyranny is none of their own doing, furthermore part of God's will, with the hope that at some point a benevolent king will return? Or would it be better to continue to live out this delusion that we actually play any part in our own governance, which necessarily entails division and isolation from those we love who may share our values and morals almost entirely, but have different ideas about how we ought best be governed?
I, for one, know that I love my wife. I know she has a wonderful heart, and she genuinely shares in my values in every way which will ever affect us in real life. However, she has been misled into supporting causes which are sold under the guise of compassion, and therefore voted for Biden, not understanding the deeper implications of the ideologies she is rubber-stamping.
I love her profoundly, and yet I still can't shake the measure of resentment that I feel for her not being able to see through the veil, and knowing that we don't share in that vision gives me a sensation of loneliness and isolation in my own home, and separation from her. I could much more easily suffer King Biden than President Biden, because at least under the former I wouldn't have to know that my wife chose this life for us via her ignorance...
Cant fix the problem if you don’t see it.
Not collapse of the USD, collapse of the FRN (Federal Reserve Note), collapse of Fiat currency, collapse of Central Banks, collapse of debt based monetary system.
Whatever currency that follows will be dependent on GA or GR, global CBDC or global decentralized currencies with real tangible backing.
I'm not the most Biblical man, but I've had some difficulties in trying to reconcile what appears to be happening with God's plan. I don't think I've seen any explanations that tie the two together in perfect unison, but I also don't try to understand that which I cannot so I try to make sense of mans actions.
That would be great for humanity. But it contradicts scripture. Only way this could be possible is under the millennium kingdom of Christ. Which means tribulations probably happening and Armageddon close.
Correct. We aren’t using a United States dollar. It’s a Fed Debt note.
Research James Corbett's "A century of enslavement" on his website to understand why the Fed needs to go.
The US dollar is backed by military might and oil. It was always going to collapse. Both sides want it, it's just a matter of who wins and what new systems gets implemented.