I ordered Terrance's pancake mix. Plus Coffee Brand Coffee from Jeremy of the Quarterling show. Gonna serve 'em up to my family on July 4th for breakfast with strawberries, blueberries and fresh whipped cream. I'll be having bacon, eggs + a little berries and cream as I don't do gluten.
This man is awesome . He says let it go, yet we have politicians who want everyone to live in the past unless it something wrong that they did, then they want to say that was in the past let it go
Good for him! Just like Mike Lindell, he is risking his company for his country. If anyone finds out the name of his company please post it. We need to support his patriotism, his stand and his insight into what made him successful: love of his country, determination, hard work and acknowledging his blessings in life-positive outlook supercedes his negative aspects. He didn’t say poor me, instead he said Thank God I was born in America.
He is a short comedian, he got to sit at the same dinner table with Trump for dinner one time. It was great when they invited him over, he was so surprised and happy.
I said short due to his bashing of I think it was Deblasio(?) standing on a box at the podium. If your short, there is no shame, get off your stupid box.
I got his book: raised in appalling squalor and neglect, in and out of care homes but still managed not to become angry, bitter or a victim. Stayed strong and kept his sense of humour - respect.
Love this man!
Follow him on Fakebook. Love him!
I ordered Terrance's pancake mix. Plus Coffee Brand Coffee from Jeremy of the Quarterling show. Gonna serve 'em up to my family on July 4th for breakfast with strawberries, blueberries and fresh whipped cream. I'll be having bacon, eggs + a little berries and cream as I don't do gluten.
God Bless him!
Red, white, and blue, these are my pride colors!
Great American --> Pride = Red, White, Blue and a box of pancakes
This man is awesome . He says let it go, yet we have politicians who want everyone to live in the past unless it something wrong that they did, then they want to say that was in the past let it go
Good for him! Just like Mike Lindell, he is risking his company for his country. If anyone finds out the name of his company please post it. We need to support his patriotism, his stand and his insight into what made him successful: love of his country, determination, hard work and acknowledging his blessings in life-positive outlook supercedes his negative aspects. He didn’t say poor me, instead he said Thank God I was born in America.
Here it is: Cousin T’s Gourmet Pancake mix.com
What's the name of his pancake mix? If I can find it, I will buy it.
Cousin T’s Gourmet Pancake mix.com
Thank you. I miss Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima. I was a faithful customer for 50 years and they were just erased for this woke nonsense.
A true American.
Craving some pancakes all of a sudden…
I think that’s why the video was made kek
Go buy his pancake mix!
He's awesome, thanks for posting I hadn't seen him before
He is a short comedian, he got to sit at the same dinner table with Trump for dinner one time. It was great when they invited him over, he was so surprised and happy.
I said short due to his bashing of I think it was Deblasio(?) standing on a box at the podium. If your short, there is no shame, get off your stupid box.
I got his book: raised in appalling squalor and neglect, in and out of care homes but still managed not to become angry, bitter or a victim. Stayed strong and kept his sense of humour - respect.
Thanks! I'm gonna get that