Today, I drove my mother to a doctor's appointment to see her new primary at our local military hospital. I sat in the car during her routine appointment (as they are still requiring people wear a mask inside the hospital). Apparently, everything was going fine until the very end of her appointment at which time she and the doctor had an animated discussion in the hallway about the COVID vaccine. He told her she needs to get it and she told him she already had the virus and had no intention of getting the vaxx. And not only that, it was dangerous and cited VAERS.
Based on what she told me she did quite well during their discussion. He said the vaccine stays in the muscle tissue, she said it doesn’t. He said the unvaccinated are filling the hospitals and she said no they were not and in fact the vaxxed are. He said millions would have died without it and she said it was experimental and the vaxxed can still contract, spread and die from the virus. The back and forth exchange continued with the doc getting more annoyed and my awesome mother remaining resolute in her position. He told her she was "misinformed" and shouldn’t watch MSM (kek). After a lengthy exchange she asked if he would be willing to look at the "data" he kept asking her about if she dropped off the materials. He answered “yes” followed by a comment about her being a "sacrificial lamb".
The entire conversation started because the doctor mentioned he was going to get his 4th shot (2nd booster I assume) and she reacted with a gasp and warning for him not to. At any rate, I told her I would make a packet containing peer-reviewed studies and she plans to drop them off when she does her lab work. So, frens, I could use your help in compiling a list of empirical studies. Over the course of this past year, I have come across several large-scale studies but did not bookmark them (e.g., Israel, UK, Germany, etc).
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Seeing as no is really helping you with what you asked, I'll skim through some of my bookmarks and post stuff to get you started.
I'll post and edit because if I switch tabs without saving the comment, sometimes it erases everything I've typed.
German Study
German study
1000s of studies show adverse effects
Columbia University study
Clinical trial data showing vaxx is harmful
Edit: some may not be studies but have sources embedded in an info graphic that you can follow, or important mentions
Massive dump of doctors saying vaxx isn't safe or effective
54+% of all vaccine deaths since the 90s happened from these, and this is an older link, number is higher
SUPER DUMP of covid and vaxx links
There were more studies but some posts have been deleted. I recall a Belgian or Dutch study showing effectiveness of immune system going I to the hard NEGATIVES months after the shots, I hope I haven't wasted your time, I didn't save as many studies as I should have but I hope this helps get you started.
I did this all from my phone or I'd have organized it better and put descriptions. I type over a hundred words a mi ute consistently on a keyboard but on a phone, I'm not nearly as capable.
Edit again: I found some stuff in the nonewnormal win site with this search really quickly
This is extremely helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to post these links.