I live in a legal state, my doctor approves of my daily use, I grow my own, as others have pointed out, this picture is a male plant, not much use to anyone unless you are pollinating. At 72, my arthritis would like me to lay around taking more and more pain medication. With marijuana, my flexibility is improved, the seizing up can be as bad as the pain, the pain is managed on the same amount of medicine for 6 years, it changes the relationship to pain is the best I can describe it. When God created our world, he provided everything for us, and then the precious resources came under control of mankind, the true physicians were guides, the one physician of course being God the Father. The guides, the medicine men and women, merely showed us what plants to use, what to balance our meals with, how to purge parasites, etc. I lived without health insurance most of my adult life, and at my age, I would gladly compare my health with anyone who was managed by the healthcare system, my worn down bones included. I've smoked and eaten pot since I was a young'un. Marijuana is a medicine, as any other medicine, it can be abused. I can no longer stack two cords of wood in an afternoon, but I can garden for hours and enjoy hikes in the woods with my dogs, and do the housework. I took the Medicare as it came in handy when I needed a total hip replacement, even my surgeoun, as I was discharged asked me with a wink "you still grow and have what you need?". I refused the medical card because I don't want the government to know any more than they have to about me. Medical plants are God's gift to us, praise Him.
God put this wonderful plant here so we can use it to enrich and benefit our lives. My mom fell and hurt her knee recently. It was really swollen and sore and she could barely bend it. I gave her some cannabis infused coconut oil and told her to rub a big gob of it all over her knee. Within 30 minutes of applying it she was up and walking around with an almost normal stride. The swelling went down almost completely and she said the pain wasn't nearly as bad.
I use the stuff for chronic migraines, pain, and sleep issues that I have. It improves the quality of my life and keeps me out of the clutches of big pharma.
Also, cbd, cbg, and other forms of industrial hemp and products made from them are legal in all 50 states, so you can still get a lot of the benefits of the plant even if you live in a state where it's illegal.
Just like anything, moderation is key. You also don't need the 20%+ thc content bud like all the dispensaries have. Shit will make you less motivated and forgetful if done in excess and there is no question about that.
My theory is that it is similar to caffeine. People not feeling normal until they have their morning cup. What is happening is they are going through a mini withdrawal and feeling the symptoms from it, and once they get their fix, they're back to no withdraw symptoms. I feel weed is similar for people who smoke daily. Your mind's baseline is that with THC and when you go without for a day or longer, you're going through a mini withdraw and need the fix to rid of the symptoms and feel "normal" again. I don't care what they say, you can certainly develop physical and mental dependency on it.
Source: I'm saying that as a current daily smoker who will quit (again) soon. Hopefully I won't get night sweats and disturbed sleep quitting this time around.
This is the one issue that has me concerned as a med patient. Do you honestly think that a country run by the right is going to allow it? It'll just be more indoctrinated politicians telling us what we can and can't do. They'll outlaw it again and those of us seeking far safer alternatives will be up shit
Once we get rid of the pedophiles and communist then we can start on getting rid of the unreasonable people that take payoffs and bribes to not be reasonable.
Picture is a male plant
Came to say its balls are almost as big as mine
But are they as green?
Hahaha I said same thing to myself !
It could be a trans-plant but I'm not a horticulturalist.
This is genius...
This made me literally lol - good job, sir!
You want females !
I live in a legal state, my doctor approves of my daily use, I grow my own, as others have pointed out, this picture is a male plant, not much use to anyone unless you are pollinating. At 72, my arthritis would like me to lay around taking more and more pain medication. With marijuana, my flexibility is improved, the seizing up can be as bad as the pain, the pain is managed on the same amount of medicine for 6 years, it changes the relationship to pain is the best I can describe it. When God created our world, he provided everything for us, and then the precious resources came under control of mankind, the true physicians were guides, the one physician of course being God the Father. The guides, the medicine men and women, merely showed us what plants to use, what to balance our meals with, how to purge parasites, etc. I lived without health insurance most of my adult life, and at my age, I would gladly compare my health with anyone who was managed by the healthcare system, my worn down bones included. I've smoked and eaten pot since I was a young'un. Marijuana is a medicine, as any other medicine, it can be abused. I can no longer stack two cords of wood in an afternoon, but I can garden for hours and enjoy hikes in the woods with my dogs, and do the housework. I took the Medicare as it came in handy when I needed a total hip replacement, even my surgeoun, as I was discharged asked me with a wink "you still grow and have what you need?". I refused the medical card because I don't want the government to know any more than they have to about me. Medical plants are God's gift to us, praise Him.
God put this wonderful plant here so we can use it to enrich and benefit our lives. My mom fell and hurt her knee recently. It was really swollen and sore and she could barely bend it. I gave her some cannabis infused coconut oil and told her to rub a big gob of it all over her knee. Within 30 minutes of applying it she was up and walking around with an almost normal stride. The swelling went down almost completely and she said the pain wasn't nearly as bad.
I use the stuff for chronic migraines, pain, and sleep issues that I have. It improves the quality of my life and keeps me out of the clutches of big pharma.
Also, cbd, cbg, and other forms of industrial hemp and products made from them are legal in all 50 states, so you can still get a lot of the benefits of the plant even if you live in a state where it's illegal.
I will try that. I have been using Absorbine Horse linament from Tractor supply. HeeHaw.
Just like anything, moderation is key. You also don't need the 20%+ thc content bud like all the dispensaries have. Shit will make you less motivated and forgetful if done in excess and there is no question about that.
depends on your history--been smoking for 55 years--better grade motivates me---It is not like Cheech and Chong
My theory is that it is similar to caffeine. People not feeling normal until they have their morning cup. What is happening is they are going through a mini withdrawal and feeling the symptoms from it, and once they get their fix, they're back to no withdraw symptoms. I feel weed is similar for people who smoke daily. Your mind's baseline is that with THC and when you go without for a day or longer, you're going through a mini withdraw and need the fix to rid of the symptoms and feel "normal" again. I don't care what they say, you can certainly develop physical and mental dependency on it.
Source: I'm saying that as a current daily smoker who will quit (again) soon. Hopefully I won't get night sweats and disturbed sleep quitting this time around.
Night sweats last 2-3 nights at most.
Going to buy more Cheetos stock
I would say that they want this legalized, based on the ones pushing it, not sure I buy this line of thought
This is the one issue that has me concerned as a med patient. Do you honestly think that a country run by the right is going to allow it? It'll just be more indoctrinated politicians telling us what we can and can't do. They'll outlaw it again and those of us seeking far safer alternatives will be up shit Creek.
Once we get rid of the pedophiles and communist then we can start on getting rid of the unreasonable people that take payoffs and bribes to not be reasonable.
BuT MuH BiG DaddY PharMUh saYS It'S iLLEgaL.!
It can also enhance sex. Can't believe you left that out.
Not my work. Sohrry.
Depends on the person. I find for myself, if i smoke too much, it's a coin flip. Either i can't get hard, or i can, but can't finish.
Enhances the hell out of work, though.
Smoke weed everyday. It's not just a song.
It's also a based meme that every Gen Z enjoys.