First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

They can't claim they kept a single person from catching covid period.
We can prove they gave them an illness through the jab though. Even those that don't see or feel it yet, it's there.
Yeah I’m skeptical about the numerator part of the ratio. “6.4 people moderna kept out of hospital”. Using a negative as proof? Not going to the hospital is such a weird metric.
It’s impossible to quantify using their verbiage
Even if you take the data at face value, they’re saving one elderly hospitalization/death at the cost of multiple hospitalization/deaths from the young.
These people say one thing but tell you what they are doing on paper.
Alex Jones used to say just read the white paper. They wrote books about this and out out studies about the whole plan. It’s not a secret. This isn’t hidden.
“Even though those don’t see or feel it yet”
But yet us jabbed have an illness? How exactly do you know that if we don’t even know it?
You have the jab that's how. That's the cause.
But if I can’t feel it, and you can’t see it, how do you know it exists? How do I know it didn’t cure me of something you can’t see of feel yet.