First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

My pureblood wife was in ICU with what Drs. said was COVID-pneumonia (She tested negative at first - they tested her a few more times until they got a positive then never tested her again so who knows?). They kept pushing for her to take the vax WHILE she was on high-flow O2 with only about 30% lung capacity and a D-Dimer result of 25 (normal is .5). So damned proud of her telling them "hell no".
Good for her. I guess she did not use Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine since she was in the hospital.
A good friend of mine was also hospitalized. He repeatedly asked for Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and they kept refusing it saying it wouldn't work. He told them I took it and my husband and it works . They gave him Remdesiver which I was unaware of.
A few weeks later I sent him an article about Remdesiver.
His reply was I thought when I went to the the hospital they were saving my life not trying to kill me.
He told me he has kidney problems since then and has to take medication.
She took IVM for the first few days but started getting pains in her kidney region so she stopped taking it against my insistence - 4 days later I rushed her to ER with respiratory distress - her sats were low 40s. 16 days in ICU - hi-flow O2 plus lots of anti-inflammatory/vitamins drugs but no vent and no remdesivir (she was past that from initial symptoms as a treatment option by the time she tested "positive" so they did not even push that), another week in regular room until she did not need more than a few liters O2 to function - another month on supplemental O2 plus physical therapy and she was almost as good as new. Highly recommend your friend take NAC - good for detoxing liver and very good for lungs as well - not sure if it will do much for kidneys but remdesivir affects the liver more than anything. 600mg to 1000mg twice a day - not medical advice - do your own research - ebay is a pretty good source for NAC. Quecetin-zinc-vitamins C and D3 to help boost immune system.
So sorry to hear what she went through. The mistake that people made is you must take zinc with Ivermectin.
I will tell my friend about NAC thank you.
I have been take Quercetin Zinc D3 and Vitamin C.
Here's a pretty good article on NAC from a normie friendly source so your friend may be more apt to believe it then from a supplement dealer claiming all this. LOTS of articles on it at pubmed (NIH public website) as well but those can get pretty technical.
Shes a keeper
I've been telling myself that for 37 years.