ROE v WADE: OVERTURNED-- praise God in heaven!
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
Just hit the newswires! Edit: See Project Ultrasound or Save the Storks for organizations that assist women with crisis pregnancies.
Love Kim!!!
I know prophets can get one of two things right. But if you listen to Kim he gets so many things right. If you listen to all his preachings he is pretty much like the Simsons in forecasting what is going to happen.
A true prophet speaks the word of God. The words of a true prophet, spoken without presumption, will ALWAYS come to pass.
That early-2000s (?) cartoon with the escalator ride by Trump and a beautiful wife, down to what I recall was a podium that looks EXACTLY like the real Trump podium, with the white all-caps TRUMP and the white stars on a deep blue background, still gives me massive chills.
In Biblical times, the first time a prophet got something wrong, they were stoned. To death. Much higher price to pay then than now. No "oopsies".
Man, we'd be out of meteorologists pretty damn quick.
Thats how it should be again.