This is my favorite Donald Trump moment. It gives me chills, especially in the context of today's ruling.
I call on the Pepe Army to comment on what federal agency or bureaucracy they would like to see abolished!!
Gay people getting married is between them and Jesus. It is not the government's place to tell them what they are and are not allowed to do.
Even straight a-sex people should be allowed benefits if they cohabitate and save on resources. The way forward is abolishing government marriage altogether and establishing civil union contracts that are hassle free to establish and dissolve.
If you feel you deserve more benefits and special treatment, take it up with your church.
You are conflating personal benefit with government benefit. The truth is, the government does not give a fuck about your well being nor happiness. They don't care if you fuck or not. Statistically speaking, straight couples produce enough children to maintain and raise the average population. Gay couples drastically reduce number, as does asexual, think Japan.
As between man and God, God is quite clear, both Old and New Testaments about homosexuality. There is no grey, it's very black and white.
The first isn't about religion nor morality, it's about preservation of the nation. The nation ought to promote that which promotes its perseverance.
Excellent rebuttal to brainwashed bullshit. Thanks for digging in.