32 "If my uterus shot bullets....." Oh God. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by unruly 2 years ago by unruly +32 / -0 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Need eyewash, quick.
Trust me, nobody is inseminating that.
It would certainly get more use if it shot bullets 🤣
Looks like it would ooze rather than shoot. Excuse me .I've got a little throw up in my mouth just now. Blahhhhhhhhhh
Her uterus is a vast and barren wasteland complete with tumble weeds rolling by and vultures circling overhead. Ain’t nobody goin there.
Nobody's coming out alive either.
I don't think she needs to worry about getting pregnant even if she found a guy to sleep with her his sperm would get choked out in all that fat
Looks like her uterus could hold about 5000 rounds.
Looks like she's using a high-capacity magazine
Another biologist
I would honestly be more surprised if she ever had need of an abortion. I can't imagine too many men would willingly try to pork that sow.
Frens, I'm dyslexic, what does she want me to do?
Shoot her uterus with a bullet??
Why is it always the ugly fat Karens that will never get pregnant?
If they lack discipline in one aspect of their life, they likely lack it in others.
These people are SERIOUSLY disturbed.
WMDs don’t have rights.
She makes me think bad thoughts
Her uterus is shooting cannonballs, not bullets
Does wolfman have gnards?
That depends magazine on capacity. Did you go through a background check?
IF she could find her uterus, but all it does is piss and wind ...