Well it seems that posting on the date Roe v Wade was overturned is the only reason someone suggested 11.3 is the 113 number in the original Roe v Wade case file (docket?).
As I have suggested in other comments, it seems we'll never be able to decode the cryptic Q message until after the fact with some help from Q.
Well, fren, if I'm hearing correctly, you actually mean, "not following, please elaborate." 😉 couldn't resist.
Ok, so off the top of my head, I'm thinking....
With the huge SCOTUS drops of Roe v Wade and Gun control, we would expect a crap ton of crisis actors, antifa and blm crawling out of the woodwork, yet, hardly any have shown.
Pallets of bricks appeared all across the country, yet hardly any are gotten into.
Could Q coming back be a distraction to difuse the situation? News is targeting Q pretty hard.
Other plans are in motion, obviously so anything to draw eyes off is a good thing. Q can tank the media for a while.
Like you said, time will tell, maybe it is a lark, but it seems to be drawing fire and expending their ammo. Good for us.
Q being back is a major shot of hopium for everyone. Even if it turns out false, will sharpen resolve. Already Clandestine has formulated true or not, we're passed research and algorithms, calculating clandestine operations and proofs. Time to move on. "Q" returning has got frens butts in gear.
Crap ton of frogs have been whining for a win for a while what better win than return of Q?
I'd say real or not, it wasn't a match lighting a fuse, it struck off a whole powder keg already.
Reaffirmation at a time when hopes in some are low is reason enough.
If reaffirmation was the goal, then an indisputable proof of authenticity would be in order.
Also take note of the influx of people trying to discredit the new posts. It's not so simple.
Shills latch on to anything that divides the community. Then they spam it on 8kun.
Well it seems that posting on the date Roe v Wade was overturned is the only reason someone suggested 11.3 is the 113 number in the original Roe v Wade case file (docket?).
As I have suggested in other comments, it seems we'll never be able to decode the cryptic Q message until after the fact with some help from Q.
Well, in the end future proves past.
It seems to have served a whole heck of a lot of good, actually. Just think.
Well, fren, if I'm hearing correctly, you actually mean, "not following, please elaborate." 😉 couldn't resist.
Ok, so off the top of my head, I'm thinking....
I'd say real or not, it wasn't a match lighting a fuse, it struck off a whole powder keg already.