97 My Heart Breaks for these kids… No Words😒😒 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Oldpatriot 2 years ago by Oldpatriot +98 / -1 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Powerful. Those kids look hopelessly miserable.
That husband is a miserable gamma cuck as well.
Probably a fedboi.🙄
Those kids are gonna need psychotherapy at some point.
Completely agree!
Yup... nothing says, "I'm a stupid soiboi" quite like ear cookies. As soon as you spot them you know he's double digit IQ.
Some day those children are going to look at that picture of their mother and know the truth about how she felt about them......how sad is that.
That's stupid. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone.
The Supreme Court left all abortion decisions up to the individual states. If you don't like your own state's policies... then contact the governor or state legislature about it.
Well of course but only people with a functional brain see it, I feel so sad for those kids what a horrible mother.
Gripping their pillow tight
Omg! Is she referring to her children? What a freaking monster.
In the Roman Empire, fathers had the right to kill their children at any time, at will.
I, I just can’t imagine… Those poor children. So sad!
For some reason I thought this had to do with the vaccine at first, but then I realized the context.
...you know, I don't believe in violence... but this makes me wanna slug that woman...
LOOK at those kids faces. She never wanted them, and they know it...
First thing I looked at, the kids faces.
Even the dude with her and the kids (father maybe?) Looks like he doesn't want to be there...
Good lord these people are delusional. How could display that sign and have any sort of rational mind?
Why? They all look so happy. /s
Good lord these people are delusional. How could display that sign and have any sort of rational mind?
Soon to be triple vaxxed!