Comments (23)
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Winning is ramping up and so far I am not tired. Think Trump got us into shape for the long haul.
I just wish the remain in Mexico policy had been upheld. Why the heck they negated that is beyond me.
Then what? Objective achieved. Might as well let them stay. This is NOT winning.
Let’s hope so.
White replacement immigration will continue with anyone who wants in….. NO VAX REQUIRED!
Exactly THIS!! ☝🏼
Yep, They are very afraid of Whitey.
My god, putting Congress back to work. Isn't this going to eat into their skimming operations?
I can hear the REEEEing from DC already. Sounds glorious.
They might have to show up and everything.
No, say it ain't so.
I'd rather not see them. Maybe only if they wore masks over both the bottom and tops of their faces.
This is a massive step towards bringing goods and fuel prices back down to earth
Heck yes, and real jobs 👍🏼 I hope.
Does this mean John Roberts gets to keep his illegally adopted kids... and that his time spent on Epstein's pedo-Island will be kept secret?
Or will all of that still come out?
I’m amazed he wrote the opinion. We all pray those truths come out.
WTG SC...Power to the people where it belongs
And there was much rejoicing (Yeaaaa,Yeaaa!) Among all the people of the Country, excepting those of the Administrative State who booed grumbled and plotted some even called upon the dark lord, but he was not interested because he already had their souls in his pocket.