I stumbled across something interesting a few weeks back. Apparently some people have trouble converting B6 into the functional form the body uses, which is P5P B6. It is correlated with having a “Morton’s toe” or a second toe longer than the big toe. B6 is really important for many bodily functions.
Anyways, I tried supplementing with it out of curiosity and I feel like I have stepped out of a brain fog. Colors are brighter, more energy, more focus, more patience. Dreams have become stronger. I don’t think placebo affect.
My conspiracy mind has me wondering if something in the environment is affecting our ability to process B6.
Either way take a look at your toes. ;)
I'm going to try this stuff. I've been lucky recently when trying new things.
I recently came across a recommendation for a "Liquid IV" an electrolyte powder. I couldn't believe the difference. I think most people don't realize that they're almost constantly dehydrated.
Did a little check up on this P5P B6, it's supposed to greatly assist the liver function. $20 on Amazon.
YES!! If I wake up at night I can tell the general unease of my body is dehydration. I understand that a pinch of sea salt added to a big glass of water is highly superior, too. Byou can't even tell it's added. There is areason that sal8ne is adninistered to someone in physical distress! And I'm going to do the B6 too.
Thanks. I love this info.
So the right B6 is not in a regular multi?
Yes the standard multi vitamins or B supplements just have regular B6 but it is actually P5P B6 that the body uses. So you can supplement with the P5P directly.
I initially stumbled upon this because a 1970s study showed that P5P fixes gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Gives the body the tools to regulate sugar properly.
In the amazon reviews you can see a lot of excited people having problems fixed.
I’ve been reading up as well. A low Alk Phos level can indicate a condition that cannot process B6 as well. From what I understand, too much B6 can lead to neuro issues. I found an OTC vitamin (store brand, made in the USA - go figure) with the lowest B6 of any. I’ve felt better switching to it.
Speaking of feet, I don't have Morton's Toe but came across this a couple years back that was kind of interesting.
I heard some Nero pain in your feet is related to a Morton's toe. I wonder if p5p b6 is involved.