264 Flippity Floppity! Abolish private property! (but not abortion) (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid! posted 2 years ago by Datasinc 2 years ago by Datasinc +264 / -0 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Brutal! Love it.
The quickest way to shut down a lefty about Rittenhouse is to inform them he did not bring a gun to Kenosha.
Kill babies good.
Literally thier mentality.
"Hippity Hoppity, carrot or stick?"
Logic isn't their strong suit. The only strong suit they have is "prone to unprovoked violence"
Dude, we had people protest for abortions rights in the US... in Canada. Some people are just so completely lost.
they have to riot somewhere they feel safe to do so, blue cities in blue states with permissive law enforcement.
where else is the MSM going to get their footage?