ED_WOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another fortified election with Clinton Inc. fingerprints all over it...

In May, Yeltsin's campaign saw a boost when The World Bank provided Russia a loan.[47] Yeltsin's campaign got a boost from the announcement of a $10 billion loan to the Russian government from the International Monetary Fund.[8] Yeltsin used trillions of rubles from the IMF loans to begin repaying government debt to state employees


Some have argued that the role of American president Bill Clinton's administration in securing an International Monetary Fund loan for Russia was an act of foreign electoral intervention.[61][62] The topic of American influence on Russian elections is developed in US popular culture, such as in the 2003 comedy Spinning Boris.




https://youtu.be/qNbYhkj3fmE / Spinning Boris - Full Movie 01:52:31

But here are the "past proves future" remarks...

https://youtu.be/qNbYhkj3fmE?t=1945 / listen 32:25 --> 32:36

https://youtu.be/qNbYhkj3fmE?t=4018 / listen 1:06:58 --> 1:07:05



"Enjoy the show."

ED_WOOD 2 points ago +2 / -0

B 05/29/21 (Sat) 15:24:40 No. 111

Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which, the choice is yours.

Who gave you the Playbooks?
Who helps you answer Questions?


ED_WOOD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Didn't they also make

Tyrannosaurus Vax

ED_WOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, Lrrr...

You got a plan or what?

ED_WOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mary Tyler Moore, Swine Flu Shot August 19, 2021



"Greetings my friends! We are all interested in the future, For that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives!".


Act I Scenes I/II/II

The Plan

The aliens implement "Plan 19", a scheme to vaccinate the Earth's population against a deadly CORONA virus, which, in reality is, just the normal flu virus that breaks out every year among humans, some years more wide spread than others.

According to the plan, aliens will first cause world-wide chaos by saturating the news media with reports (bordering on fear-mongering) that the virus is deadly and extremely contagious, in the hope that during the crisis the majority of the Earth's population will take a vaccine shot out of fear.

Those who submit will have succumbed to the plan due to a demonstrated innate disposition of a general psychological dependency, a medium level of suggestibility or a tendency to accede to peer pressure and/or authority. The aliens, having studied humans for centuries, know that any one of these traits is sufficient to manipulate a human's capacity for independent rational thought, and that a combination of any two of the characteristics is indicative of both a highly suggestive and a easily manipulatable personality. Those who take the vaccine will be known as the "woke" and be venerated for their heroism in selflessly taking the inoculation (for there are side-effects for some, sometimes lethal), to both protect themselves from catching virus and to protect others in the event that one catches the virus, is asymptomatic but are nevertheless contagious. The irrationality of this never occurs to the "woke," who are by definition, highly suggestive and easily manipulatable.

The "woke" will then, in an exponentially increasing manner, out of their naturally fearful and emotion-based dispositions, in addition to governmental and other authoritative bodies, pressure the "unwoke" to take the vaccine. Many who will not have not taken the vaccine initially will eventually give in and be vaccinated, not because they want to be safe from catching COVID-19, but instead to simply put an end to the social and physical ostracization they will have been subjected to.

The vaccine is of course not really a vaccine, but an injection causing a degradation of the functionality of the right cerebral cortex which increases the functionality of the left cerebral cortex and results in each successive generation being more dependent, more emotion centric in disposition, and with a higher percentage of suggestibility in a ever increasing percentage of the Earth's population. Its a long term plan.

The Plot

In the course the alien's plan to conquer the Earth utilizing the fear-based chaos based on the wide-spread fear of catching COVID-19, a young intrepid college student journalist decides to make the crises brought on by the generalized panic surrounding the issue of the vaccination programs the subject of an article for her university student newspaper.

One dark and stormy night at the library she runs across an old video recording from 1976 and, based on other research, realizes that the reports of COVID-19 are a hoax and that aliens are behind the hoax and the vaccination program. In time she puts all the evidence together to understand the entire plan.

The 1976 film clip leads to other discoveries as well. The aliens were not only behind the plan, but it was not the first time that the aliens had tried to implement Plan-19.

Except for certain near-undetectable differences (a sideways darting of the eyes, an uncontrollable tendency to flick their tongue side to side just outside their mouth over their lips or to periodically, in a rapid manner, stick the tip of their tongue just outside of their lips, an overlarge Adam's apple on male aliens... and a slight expanding bulge on the side of the neck)... except for these mostly overlooked differences, the aliens look very much like humans.

The aliens, over time, had infiltrated society in general, and the government, the military specifically, as well as many key professions (doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, coroners, musicians, actors, etc. etc..) in order to place their agents in controlling and commanding positions to be able to effectuate their plans and to learn as much as possible about the dominate cultures of the world in order to be able to execute the preparations for Plan 19.

What the young college students uncovers is that there had been attempts in the past to initiate Plan 19 but for a variety of factors the attempts failed. There was good success in small and large geographic regions, but once started, like an arsonist setting a fire that initially becomes a wildfire, and then a rain comes up and puts the fire out, the plans ultimately failed due to some unforeseen natural cause or man-made action.

The 1976 clip that leads to the discovery of the past attempts details not only what occurred in 1976, but mentions an earlier, similar case where a "flu" developed and spread world-wide from a U.S. army base in 1918. Connecting the dots, the college student realizes, based on the 1976 news broadcast, in that instance the "flu" was introduced through alien agents to expose the soldiers on the U.S. army base, that naturally there would be some, a small number, that simply due to their unique immune systems, would not be able to easily fight off the flu symptoms. Take the one who got the sickest, "encourage" his death, aliens compromising the medical team investigating cause of death send spiked samples of the "virus" to compatriots already in place in the right lab at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, then a simple matter of fanning the flames of a deadly, highly contagious flu virus through alien newspaper and broadcast outlets throwing gasoline on the "fact" of a deadly, highly contagious flu virus... and every thing is in place to, at a minimum, working through their alien agents-in-place in the pharmaceutical industry, wall street, hospitals, etc., the aliens could make a lot of money to further their eventual plan for a world-wide pandemic and implement the final solution to the problem of taking control of the Earth's resources and, its most valuable resource, humanity.

Nearing the end of her research, our intrepid college student, also a friend of the head librarian of the university library, uses a back door for employees only to slip over to the Student Union for lunch one day when it is raining (much shorter run forth and back). Returning to the library, the information desk duty librarian tells her the "people from the government" are waiting for her in her study room.

Act II