On this Independence Day let's all remember where true freedom comes from. It's a gift from God. Happy 4th of July to all my family here on .win. JESUS CHRIST IS KING
On Sundays many of us go to church, spend time with family and relax in the spirit. However monday rolls around and we are back at the grind, working, letting the weight of the world bring us down. Lets change that. Lets proclaim the name of Christ every day all day. So who will join me on this fine monday morning, in proclaiming Jesus Christ King. Shout these words from rooftops and let the whole world know who Christ is to you. Type out in the comments who Christ is to you....
Love you all. God bless you. I am here if anyone needs prayer or a fren to vent to.
Amen sis. Well said. Yes thank you Jesus for the endless blessing you have given us. God bless u sis. Happy independence day.
I proclaim, Jesus Christ is King.
And in one voice all of Gods people loudly proclaim.
Praise the Lord. HALLELUJAH 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌
The King of Kings.
Lord of Lords. Happy Independence Day brother. God bless u. Hope you have a blessed day
Jesus is God's Son and my Savior. He is the answer to my search for TRUTH. He protects, guides, occupies my heart and brain and provides access to Father GOD. Like His Father, Jesus is Allknowing And Infinite, yet Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He knows my thoughts, forgives my failings--but still makes me aware of them when I read or think of his teachings. I do not have to depend on any other man but him, the one who is fully human and fully divine. His faithfulness, INTEGRITY, honesty, and LOVE are unmatched--real. He serves and leads at the same time. He is a great one to follow and to have a daily+ conversation with (whether anyone else knows it or not). I wish to be with him and more like him someday forever.
Amen DAILY convo is such an important thing. Well said. God bless u fren. Much love
Let me expand on that....
God is good. God bless u fren. Keep turning to him. Keep praying. We are in this together. I am here if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. Much love
• He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. • He is the First and the Last. • He is the Beginning and the End. • He is the Alpha and the Omega. • He is the Way, the Truth, & the Life. • He is the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of all things. • He is the Architect of the Universe and the Manager of all Times. • He is unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, but never undone. • He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. • He always is, always was, and always will be. • He was bruised and yet brought healing. • He was pierced and yet eased pain. • He was persecuted and yet brought freedom. • He was dead and yet brought life. • He is risen and brings power. • He reigns and offers redemption. • The world can’t ignore Him. • The schools can’t slight Him. • No army can defeat Him. • Herod couldn’t kill Him. • Nero couldn’t crush Him. • The Pharisees couldn’t perplex Him. • The grave couldn’t hold Him. • False religions can’t replace Him. • He turned BC into AD. • He is Love, Life, Light, and Lord. • He is Goodness, Greatness, Gentleness, and God over all. • He is Holy, Righteous, Merciful, Pure, and All-Powerful. • His words are eternal. • His will is unchanging. • His ways are right and true. • His mind is on us. • He is my peace, hope, and joy. • He is my comfort, guide, and Redeemer. • He is my Savior and he rules over my life. • Jesus Christ is my Lord!
Wow I love this. Thanks for sharing. This is a great list. God bless u fren
Oh, dear Slechta! This is a WONDERFUL exercise; something I should be doing every day.
He is my HOPE of the hopeless and my FRIEND of the friendless
He bears the NAME that is above every name
He bears the NAME in which I have reconciliation with The Father (salvation)
He bears the NAME in which I have right relationship with my brothers & sisters
He is my champion: that Rider on the white horse who is called "Faithful and True"
He is absolutely WORTHY to me and to all eternity
He BOUGHT me out of slavery. He is and SHOULD be my Master; yet He has called me, "Friend". And OH, what a friend! I CANNOT deserve such a friend!
He is for me the co-eternal yet only begotten & obedient SON of the Only Living God - and He IS God!!
He is - to me and to all of history - the lovable but unfathomable LOGOS
He is my Advocate and my Judge and He daily manifests in the PARACLETE!
He is my reason for being and my fondest dream for eternity; starting NOW
GBY, fren Slechta! Keep ON being free in Christ!
PRAISE THE LORD. HALLELUJAH. Great list right here fren. I am blessed to be able to do this. Honestly I get such postive energy reading everyones responses and proclaiming his name to the world. Be sure to join us tuesday(thankful) Wednesday(help overcoming a sin)
Thursday(a need we have)
God bless u fren. Hope your 4th and beyond is blessed. Love u
He is The Word.
Amen. Yes he is. Well said. God bless u
Yes he is.
I am thankful to Jesus our Redeemer. I will pray for us all.
How many other mystical texts have you read? That's my biggest beef with people like you and many in this community. You're so sure you have the right and only answer even though you haven't done ANY genuine research of texts outside of your bubble. It's gross.
My journey involves reading many things.I always think it's strange when people equate doing research to finding God. Like your gonna study your way to salvation. Truly he is everywhere. The bible helps u better understand, wrestle with things. Gives you history and past testimony to understand. Above all though the bible helps brings you to Jesus. Once you know Jesus u will understand why we know we are right. You can think its gross. It's just u dont understand. Since you dont understand it would be better for u to truly seek answer rather than attack people. Just saying. Have a good night.