More people should have been aware of who Antifa were before they appeared in American streets in 2016.
Antifa was created in 1930 by the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) to act as domestic terrorists and attack Christians attempting to attend political rallies or vote.
These terrorist attacks were done in preparation for the KPD's failed communist coup attempt of 1933.
The Germans weren't hunting innocent little Jewish girls in the 1933 - they were hunting treasonous criminal Jewish communists who participated in the coup. The "papers please" checkpoints were also looking for treasonous criminal KPD members.
It saddens me how much power they have to pervert and corrupt everything including our common history into Bolshevik New World Order fan-fiction.
They all would have been exiled for the 1,037th time the moment we saw Antifa set foot in our streets, but most people have no clue how biblical this war is.
I believe that they were also tied, if not the creation of, a member of the COMIntern based in Paris. Muzenberg or something like that who was Kim Philby's handler around the time of the Spanish civil war.
More people should have been aware of who Antifa were before they appeared in American streets in 2016.
Antifa was created in 1930 by the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) to act as domestic terrorists and attack Christians attempting to attend political rallies or vote.
These terrorist attacks were done in preparation for the KPD's failed communist coup attempt of 1933.
The Germans weren't hunting innocent little Jewish girls in the 1933 - they were hunting treasonous criminal Jewish communists who participated in the coup. The "papers please" checkpoints were also looking for treasonous criminal KPD members.
This is why Q repeatedly posted this image - because Q wants you to know the truth.
Thanks for the info....
My first face-to-face encounter with them was at President Trump's inauguration where they burned down a limo and caused a hell of a ruckus in DC.
It saddens me how much power they have to pervert and corrupt everything including our common history into Bolshevik New World Order fan-fiction.
They all would have been exiled for the 1,037th time the moment we saw Antifa set foot in our streets, but most people have no clue how biblical this war is.
I believe those activities are consistent with Aunt Tifa’s definition of peaceful protesting.
Oy vey!
I believe that they were also tied, if not the creation of, a member of the COMIntern based in Paris. Muzenberg or something like that who was Kim Philby's handler around the time of the Spanish civil war.
Every time I see those two images together, I think mirror. They mirrored the logo.