The Holocaust: Historical Truth Goes By Evidence Not Emotion
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I personally know Polish Jews that were born in the camps after the war ended. Their parents were the only survivors of their immediate and entire extended families. My own family on my mother's side fled Russia at the turn of the century. They were the only survivors. Anyone that remained was either killed in the Revolution, died in the Gulags, or died in one of the two wars - by either the Russians or the Germans. My mother's family never talked about it either. It was too horrible to discuss around the dinner table. 100 years later, in the area of Russia where these communities once thrived, there remains no trace. There is no evidence that these people even existed if not for some surviving records kept by those communities. Trying to reconstruct the history is nearly impossible.
We can possibly debate the actual numbers, but that does not discount the fact that real people were affected in ways that we cannot even begin to image. It is a horrible thing to have been a victim of an atrocity, especially of the magnitude being discussed here, and then to have your experience invalidated by those that do not believe you, and at worst, accuse you a being a liar. I have personally experienced this myself and it is a special kind of injustice. Is there really that much difference between whether it was 6 million souls or 1 million? Remember this, the Nazis, like many of the evil bastards running the current extermination operations, kept different sets of books. We cannot completely rely on the "official" numbers. Those official numbers were carefully contrived to lead to the very conclusions some so called researchers are arriving at. The public in some cases in being played now, just as they were played then. There was a reason why the Nazis went on a major document burning program when it was clear that the war was not going their way. So, we must take everything with a grain of salt. Officials lied - just like they lie today about the numbers. Everything must be viewed with caution - everything.
I think the energy spent on debating the numbers here is actually a distraction. We are currently living through our own holocaust and we see the very same numbers games being played by those that want to deny what is occurring right in front of our eyes. They are adjusting the numbers to downplay what the reality is - but you know the perpetrators have their own unofficial books that tell a tail closer to the truth. If is is not called out now, it will only increase. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. History may not exactly repeat - but it sure does rhyme.
No. Understanding the truth of history is never a distraction.
The fact is, that we are currently involved in a very similar situation that needs our attention. To expend energies that would be better spent dealing with what we are facing in our own lives instead of looking in the rear view mirror trying to figure out numbers of people exterminated in the past, to me is a distraction. The end result of which teaches us nothing about man's ability to be cruel and inhumane when it serves a twisted purpose. All of those calculations being used to derive at some of these numbers are suspect to begin with. Governments are notorious for jacking "official" records to promote narratives. They cannot be relied upon. The Nazis in particular kept several sets of books. Which ones are to be believed? Real numbers are always hidden by those that have something to hide.
I am not denying that numbers could be inflated - like we have never seen that happen before. But. we must be careful when invalidating the pain and suffering of those that were directly affected, and whose testimonies are now being called into question. That many people cannot all be lying - one of them is my father and he had access to classified post war info and was on the ground in Germany after the war. He was the one who originally redpilled me and was always quick to identify bull shit when he saw it. I am just advising caution. All this discussion over what the truth is, in the end may have its own agenda pushing it forward.
An empty claim that has never been proven. Germans were the most precise people on Earth, and yet there is no evidence of anything that would validate the jew claims of gas chambers. No materials, no nothing that could even make it plausible.
So, they created yet another fantasy that there must have been "two sets of books." But no evidence to back it up.
I agree. The jews certainly do want to hide the fact that there were never 6,000,000 deaths, much less murders.
Maybe that's why they keep pushing the number lower, but don't really make a big news splash about it.
Right. But when there were claims of "6,000,000 jews in danger!" in newspaper articles going back to the 1890's, and when those stories were first that the jews were in danger in Russia (not Germany) at EXACTLY the same time that jews were plotting to overthrow Russia, and then later the same claim for Eastern Europe (not Germany), and then they took over Poland ... and then there were ZERO contemporaneous claims about Germany until many years AFTER ... then it's not so much a mere inflation of number. It's more like a precise number that had been pushed via propganda MULTIPLE TIMES before, and then also after. Almost like they were trying to fulfill a "prophecy" or something.
When you see that type of stuff, you have to consider that it might be propaganda, and not fact. Then, when years later they lower the number at Auschwitz from 4 million jews killed here to 1.5 million jews killed here, but keep the 6 million in total number, you have to consider it might be propaganda.
Then, when you realize that independent sources, such as World Almanac, at the time showed no decrease in jewish population, worldwide, before and after (much less 6 million), then you have to consider it might be propaganda.
Then, when you realize there were only about 200,000 jews in Germany at the time the war started, because Hitler had a deal with jewish leadership to allow jews to move to Palestine, which was their wet dream from the beginning, and there were not even 6 million jews available to kill in all of Germany-controlled territory, even if they wanted to, you have to consider it might be propaganda.
Inflated numbers is one thing. Made-up fantasy is quite another.
Being put into prison camps would be a horror. No doubt. The same horror suffered by Japanese-American on US soil.
But that does not justify some of them lying about their experiences many years later.
Many people can be lying, and many people can be "remembering" things that fit the narrative many decades later.
You would think that if the massive murders really took place, there would be thousands of people who would come forward after the war was over and talk about it.
The people in the camps who SAW the happenings. The people in the nearby villages (who could see right into the camps through the fences) who would say something.
But it was only a very few people MANY YEARS LATER who told the big stories.
The International Red Cross visted the camps many times, looking for the very things that were later claimed. You would think that someone in the camps would have whispered a thing or two. Nope. Nada.
The 6,000,000 story wasn't even a thing until many years later.
It has been proven that there were no gas chambers to murder people. There WERE crematoriums because people DID die of disease, old age, and maybe even some sort of abuse by Germans. And the "gas chambers" were used to kill lice, not people.
The Germans who lived to talk about it from their perspective, were adamant that they were under strict orders to NOT harm the prisoners. There is a story of one German commendant being hanged for abusing prisoners.
Maybe this is the REAL reason for summary executions and kangaroo courts immediately, rather than real trials with real evidence and witness testimony. REAL trials were never allowed. Nuremberg rules were according to Soviet law, not American or British law. And one of the rules was that no evidence needed to be provided in order to arrive at a conviction. There is only ONE reason why that would be a rule.
I say let the evidence from BOTH SIDES be shown to the world, and maybe we will know for sure what really happened. If I am wrong, I would want to know that. But the evidence that I have seen -- and I have seen evidence presented by both sides -- is heavily in favor of the Holohoax.
You can say it all you want, but if it cannot be verified, then it is not evidence to me.
Eisenhower even "recreated" a "gas chamber" at Dachau. He did this so US congressmen could tour the prison camps and see how it was. But this re-creation of a gas chamber was false. There are records of this in the US archives.
The reason he did this is that the Americans and British controlled Germany and the prison camps on German soil, while the Soviets controlled Poland and the prison camps on Polish soil.
Even the jews have never claimed that there were any gas chambers on the German side. They claim ALL gas chambers were in the Polish side camps.
So, Ike had to "recreate" a "gas chamber" since there wasn't one at Dachau or anywhere else where he was in control. (Your father would have been on the German side, not the Polish side. So, he could not have seen any gas chambers, even according to the jews' own version of the story.)
After the congressmen toured the camp, it was disassembled. We all want to "Like Ike," but he may not have been as he appeared, either.
There was propaganda on all sides during wartime, and maybe even more after.
Who knows? Maybe your father, unbeknownst to himself, was one of many people used to push a narrative by being given disinfo. We have all been fooled by disinfo. Maybe he was, too, and sincerely believed he knew what was what.
I don't put much value in a personal experience if (a) there is no evidence presented to back it up, and (b) there is much evidence that shows it is very unlikely or could not have been true.
Were there crematoriums? Yes. To dispose of the deceased. Does this mean they were purposely executed? No. One might jump to that conclusion, but that conclusion is just a guess. If that guess is made with a heavy dose of emotional trauma, then it becomes ever more suspect, and requires even more evidence to validate.
I have been fooled. Maybe your father was, too. Does not make him a liar or a bad person, just somewho who may have been a victim of propaganda, to which I say ... join the club.