The concept of a "Party" is a purposeful contrivance. There is nothing organic about a permanent coalition in honest debate.
If you take 100 people, put them into a room, ask them to debate a topic, and come up with a solution, you will get 100 different ideas and opinions. You will get agreements on some talking points, i.e. groups of agreement, and disagreements on others. You won't get "two sides" to each talking point, you will get five, or ten, or twenty. Overall, no one will "agree completely" and no one will "vote" on something they disagree with. However, over time, a solution will bear out. This is how engineering teams solve problems. Why do we do it different in politics?
We do it differently in political debate, because if you make everyone put on a red shirt or a blue shirt before walking into the debate room, you get two voices. All the red shirts will "agree" simply because they are on the same team, and vise versa. If you add yellow shirts to the mix, it's still the same problem, only now there are three voices instead of 100. If there are shirt colors (parties) then the system has already failed.
There is absolutely no reason to have a priori teams in problem solving. It will never be beneficial. I assert that all such "team making" in politics throughout all of history was a purposeful contrivance of the Cabal.
When you add "Party Leaders" into the mix, it makes it trivial to control the conversation. You only need to corrupt two people instead of 100. With those two people you can create two sides of a conversation. This creates division throughout the whole population, not just the debating group. And as we know, division is the necessary precursor to "conquer."
The real fuckery with "parties" is; you can create the same solution (AKA the Cabal's solution) with the two sides of the conversation that you control. This happens all the time.
The Federal Reserve Act was exactly that. The FRA is the greatest single piece of fuckery in our current system of government. The FRA was the "Democrat" plan up against the "Republican" plan called the Aldrich Plan. The kicker is, they were the exact same plan. The FRA had a contrived system of "Decentralization" (because everyone needs a little decentralization in their Central Bank), but other than this contrivance, which was a complete illusion, it was identical across the board.
TL;DR: There is no such thing as Parties in honest debate and problem solving, no matter how many you have. They are nothing but a means to perpetuate the fraud.
I am tempted to create 100 accounts just to upvote this purely factual wisdom. You are 100% correct. This is why I don't wear labels. This is why I don't conform to ideologies. I am my own ideas. I am my own way of looking at life. Just because I own guns does not mean I am Republican. Just because I partake in THC does not mean I am a Democrat, though some Christians are still fooled into thinking you'll catch the gay.
And that's what I wish to add here, this thinking goes far beyond politics. We need to apply the same realization to religion as well. Indeed Orthodox Islam is NOT compatible with Western Civilization. But guess what? Neither is Christian fundamentalism. The Founding Fathers knew this which is why we are under the Constitution and not Torah or Paulism. People's religion does not define them. Actions do. If their religion or politics causes them to act wrongly, they need to be held accountable... Individually. This applies for ALL ideologies.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against EVERY form of tyranny upon the mind of man"
-Thomas Jefferson
Every. Form. Of tyranny. I know some of you are excited for a theocracy and if Jesus comes back in our time, He'll lay down the law. Until such time, however we have a duty as Americans to uphold the Constitution. Jesus never once gave authority to rule over others. In fact he did the exact opposite. He's the Servant King and He respects the sacred choice of others to choose Him of their own free will. We need to uphold and respect that right by resisting all forms of tyranny and control especially when it comes to tyrants we agree with.
if Jesus comes back in our time, He'll lay down the law.
The thinking on this topic is by necessity limited. Not enough people really think about why Jesus had to die, and why he has to return. Even fewer people think about what it means for Jesus to return. They are oblivious of the teaching of the bible about what form the 'return' of a key providential figure takes. Too many interpret the symbolic scriptures in a literal way, even though Jesus himself continually taught through symbology, metaphor and analogy (parables).
But, let's put those questions aside.
The kingship of God is fundamentally different to the kingship we have observed in this fallen world. We have never had the actual model of a Godly kingship. All honorable kings/queens of the past have to some degree been a symbol of true kingship, but none are the true model.
God is our creator, ruler and sovereign. However, despite 'laying down the law', he never interferes with our free will. What does this mean? It means, the future "Kingdom of Heaven" is NOT a theocracy. Theocracy is a form of religious dictatorship. It has nothing to do with God's principles, because God is the creator of freedom of belief, free will and self-governance.
So, if God's kingdom is not a theocracy, what will it be. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will be a Constitutional Monarchy, although different from the constitutional monarchies that have existed heretofore, because no kings/queens hithertofore have been true kings or queens.
Scripture tells us that God created through the Word, and that Christ is the Word become flesh.
The notion of constitutional government is a direct reflection of this principle. A nation's Constitution is the "Word" by which the nation is created and established. The Constitution defines how the governance is to be structured and executed.
The constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven will establish Christ and Christ's lineage as the kingship, but the role of the Kingship will not be to dictate government. That's because God has created all men and women to be SELF-GOVERNING. Thus, even in God's kingdom, the people will govern themselves using a representative system, similar to the US and other 'democracies' founded on the principles of Christian civilization.
However, the Heavenly Constitution will also enshrine core fundamental principles of God's Kingdom. It will place the highest priority on the protection of the natural family, by preventing government from enacting laws that contradict the natural family.
People will still be free to make their life choices; no one will be forced to choose this or that lifestyle, but government will be prevented from attacking and undermining the natural family, which is a structure and institution created by God, not by man.
As with the US constitution, the Heavenly Constitution will be focused on limiting government and defining what government cannot do. It will not be a constitution that tells people WHAT to do. God's commandments exist. Christ will surely 'lay down the law', but Christ does NOT rule through force, and governments and kingships of the past have. Rather, with the law of heavenly firmly established, natural judgment will fall on those who flaunt that law or live in contradiction to that law.
In our fallen history, the standard of Good has always been relative, because Good and Evil have been battling over who wins the heart of man. Evil undermines, seduces, manipulates our hearts to corrupt them, but Good (God) appeals to our true nature, inspires and motivates us via our conscience to live in accordance with his Purpose and commandments.
Once the Heavenly Kingdom is established on Earth, that realm of relativity, where evil can hide and avoid judgment, will disappear. Because everything will be open and transparent, it will be patently OBVIOUS when things are NOT transparent. Accordingly, evil will have no place to hide and avoid being judged.
Christ will not need to be a dictator. He simply needs to uphold the truth and the standard of God's commandments and God's purpose. People will still choose how and what they do. However, in a world where evil motives and actions are immediately exposed and identified, and which incur immediate natural judgment*, who would want to be sinful, or commit crimes against their fellow man or woman?
This is my conception and understanding of some aspects of the coming Kingdom, based on scripture, human history and natural law. The fact that evil is being exposed, and that so many things that have been hidden are now coming into the daylight, confirms to me that this is where we are: we are in the process of transitioning out of the fallen, corrupted world of relative good and relative evil into the world of absolute goodness where Christ's kingship is not only spiritual, but also established in the material world.
The key point to understand, however, in my view, is that Christ's kingship is NOT a dictatorship. It is a kingship that preserves God's principles and the relationship between God and his children, codified in the form of a Constitution that upholds the core human rights God has granted to his children, including the principles of self-governance, freedom of belief and free will.
What else is true self-governance than being truly responsible for what you say and do?
In the Heavenly Kingdom, government will NEVER be allowed to usurp the rightful place of the people of God to govern themselves, under Christ's love and guidance. The Heavenly Constitution will thus define and limit what the Heavenly Government can do, albeit to a more perfect level than what the current US constitution currently does.
The name above all name is Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. Only one, no other. And there is no other name under heaven whereby men must be saved.
The power in the name of Christ is incalculable and we should use it liberally.
My wife said that too, my problem is, the Republicans are as bad as the democrats. And steal primaries just like the democrats. Your vote isn't getting you what ypu want so, I make sure they can't count on me.
You should check in on Rt sas Lt Col Ricardo Bosi of A1 in Australia this is exactly how he has set up his Australia1 party - (in name only) where all the party members run as independents across Australia that sign on to the A1 guidelines , Bosi knows his stuff and merely officiates at an advisory level and because he has not registered as a Party the Australian election commission canβt come near him or any of his members.
He has done a brilliant numbers job with a 2% transaction tax for all goods and services that will in effect wipe out all of a given Countries debt and put that country into prosperity - he explains it all in one of his recent uploads.
The concept of a "Party" is a purposeful contrivance. There is nothing organic about a permanent coalition in honest debate.
If you take 100 people, put them into a room, ask them to debate a topic, and come up with a solution, you will get 100 different ideas and opinions. You will get agreements on some talking points, i.e. groups of agreement, and disagreements on others. You won't get "two sides" to each talking point, you will get five, or ten, or twenty. Overall, no one will "agree completely" and no one will "vote" on something they disagree with. However, over time, a solution will bear out. This is how engineering teams solve problems. Why do we do it different in politics?
We do it differently in political debate, because if you make everyone put on a red shirt or a blue shirt before walking into the debate room, you get two voices. All the red shirts will "agree" simply because they are on the same team, and vise versa. If you add yellow shirts to the mix, it's still the same problem, only now there are three voices instead of 100. If there are shirt colors (parties) then the system has already failed.
There is absolutely no reason to have a priori teams in problem solving. It will never be beneficial. I assert that all such "team making" in politics throughout all of history was a purposeful contrivance of the Cabal.
When you add "Party Leaders" into the mix, it makes it trivial to control the conversation. You only need to corrupt two people instead of 100. With those two people you can create two sides of a conversation. This creates division throughout the whole population, not just the debating group. And as we know, division is the necessary precursor to "conquer."
The real fuckery with "parties" is; you can create the same solution (AKA the Cabal's solution) with the two sides of the conversation that you control. This happens all the time.
The Federal Reserve Act was exactly that. The FRA is the greatest single piece of fuckery in our current system of government. The FRA was the "Democrat" plan up against the "Republican" plan called the Aldrich Plan. The kicker is, they were the exact same plan. The FRA had a contrived system of "Decentralization" (because everyone needs a little decentralization in their Central Bank), but other than this contrivance, which was a complete illusion, it was identical across the board.
TL;DR: There is no such thing as Parties in honest debate and problem solving, no matter how many you have. They are nothing but a means to perpetuate the fraud.
I am tempted to create 100 accounts just to upvote this purely factual wisdom. You are 100% correct. This is why I don't wear labels. This is why I don't conform to ideologies. I am my own ideas. I am my own way of looking at life. Just because I own guns does not mean I am Republican. Just because I partake in THC does not mean I am a Democrat, though some Christians are still fooled into thinking you'll catch the gay.
And that's what I wish to add here, this thinking goes far beyond politics. We need to apply the same realization to religion as well. Indeed Orthodox Islam is NOT compatible with Western Civilization. But guess what? Neither is Christian fundamentalism. The Founding Fathers knew this which is why we are under the Constitution and not Torah or Paulism. People's religion does not define them. Actions do. If their religion or politics causes them to act wrongly, they need to be held accountable... Individually. This applies for ALL ideologies.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against EVERY form of tyranny upon the mind of man"
-Thomas Jefferson
Every. Form. Of tyranny. I know some of you are excited for a theocracy and if Jesus comes back in our time, He'll lay down the law. Until such time, however we have a duty as Americans to uphold the Constitution. Jesus never once gave authority to rule over others. In fact he did the exact opposite. He's the Servant King and He respects the sacred choice of others to choose Him of their own free will. We need to uphold and respect that right by resisting all forms of tyranny and control especially when it comes to tyrants we agree with.
The thinking on this topic is by necessity limited. Not enough people really think about why Jesus had to die, and why he has to return. Even fewer people think about what it means for Jesus to return. They are oblivious of the teaching of the bible about what form the 'return' of a key providential figure takes. Too many interpret the symbolic scriptures in a literal way, even though Jesus himself continually taught through symbology, metaphor and analogy (parables).
But, let's put those questions aside.
The kingship of God is fundamentally different to the kingship we have observed in this fallen world. We have never had the actual model of a Godly kingship. All honorable kings/queens of the past have to some degree been a symbol of true kingship, but none are the true model.
God is our creator, ruler and sovereign. However, despite 'laying down the law', he never interferes with our free will. What does this mean? It means, the future "Kingdom of Heaven" is NOT a theocracy. Theocracy is a form of religious dictatorship. It has nothing to do with God's principles, because God is the creator of freedom of belief, free will and self-governance.
So, if God's kingdom is not a theocracy, what will it be. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will be a Constitutional Monarchy, although different from the constitutional monarchies that have existed heretofore, because no kings/queens hithertofore have been true kings or queens.
Scripture tells us that God created through the Word, and that Christ is the Word become flesh.
The notion of constitutional government is a direct reflection of this principle. A nation's Constitution is the "Word" by which the nation is created and established. The Constitution defines how the governance is to be structured and executed.
The constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven will establish Christ and Christ's lineage as the kingship, but the role of the Kingship will not be to dictate government. That's because God has created all men and women to be SELF-GOVERNING. Thus, even in God's kingdom, the people will govern themselves using a representative system, similar to the US and other 'democracies' founded on the principles of Christian civilization.
However, the Heavenly Constitution will also enshrine core fundamental principles of God's Kingdom. It will place the highest priority on the protection of the natural family, by preventing government from enacting laws that contradict the natural family.
People will still be free to make their life choices; no one will be forced to choose this or that lifestyle, but government will be prevented from attacking and undermining the natural family, which is a structure and institution created by God, not by man.
As with the US constitution, the Heavenly Constitution will be focused on limiting government and defining what government cannot do. It will not be a constitution that tells people WHAT to do. God's commandments exist. Christ will surely 'lay down the law', but Christ does NOT rule through force, and governments and kingships of the past have. Rather, with the law of heavenly firmly established, natural judgment will fall on those who flaunt that law or live in contradiction to that law.
In our fallen history, the standard of Good has always been relative, because Good and Evil have been battling over who wins the heart of man. Evil undermines, seduces, manipulates our hearts to corrupt them, but Good (God) appeals to our true nature, inspires and motivates us via our conscience to live in accordance with his Purpose and commandments.
Once the Heavenly Kingdom is established on Earth, that realm of relativity, where evil can hide and avoid judgment, will disappear. Because everything will be open and transparent, it will be patently OBVIOUS when things are NOT transparent. Accordingly, evil will have no place to hide and avoid being judged.
Christ will not need to be a dictator. He simply needs to uphold the truth and the standard of God's commandments and God's purpose. People will still choose how and what they do. However, in a world where evil motives and actions are immediately exposed and identified, and which incur immediate natural judgment*, who would want to be sinful, or commit crimes against their fellow man or woman?
This is my conception and understanding of some aspects of the coming Kingdom, based on scripture, human history and natural law. The fact that evil is being exposed, and that so many things that have been hidden are now coming into the daylight, confirms to me that this is where we are: we are in the process of transitioning out of the fallen, corrupted world of relative good and relative evil into the world of absolute goodness where Christ's kingship is not only spiritual, but also established in the material world.
The key point to understand, however, in my view, is that Christ's kingship is NOT a dictatorship. It is a kingship that preserves God's principles and the relationship between God and his children, codified in the form of a Constitution that upholds the core human rights God has granted to his children, including the principles of self-governance, freedom of belief and free will.
What else is true self-governance than being truly responsible for what you say and do?
In the Heavenly Kingdom, government will NEVER be allowed to usurp the rightful place of the people of God to govern themselves, under Christ's love and guidance. The Heavenly Constitution will thus define and limit what the Heavenly Government can do, albeit to a more perfect level than what the current US constitution currently does.
The name above all name is Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. Only one, no other. And there is no other name under heaven whereby men must be saved.
The power in the name of Christ is incalculable and we should use it liberally.
Exactly why I am unaffiliated.
I was an independent, but changed back to republican so I can vote in the primary, once again.
My wife said that too, my problem is, the Republicans are as bad as the democrats. And steal primaries just like the democrats. Your vote isn't getting you what ypu want so, I make sure they can't count on me.
Was it Washington or Jefferson that warned against having only two parties?
Both at different times, I believe.
You should check in on Rt sas Lt Col Ricardo Bosi of A1 in Australia this is exactly how he has set up his Australia1 party - (in name only) where all the party members run as independents across Australia that sign on to the A1 guidelines , Bosi knows his stuff and merely officiates at an advisory level and because he has not registered as a Party the Australian election commission canβt come near him or any of his members. He has done a brilliant numbers job with a 2% transaction tax for all goods and services that will in effect wipe out all of a given Countries debt and put that country into prosperity - he explains it all in one of his recent uploads.
I've been making a very similar set of points elsewhere on the inter webs for quite some time.
You did a good job of describing the issue.
I look forward to future conversations with you on the topic.