If space is Jank then what are they doing with satellites in orbit? You do believe it orbit don’t you? If spacex has been to space and nasa before them as they have then what’s the deal? What do you think they’re doing up there? Do you think every rocket launched past the atmosphere is fake?
Let’s go back to the moon!
We can’t.
Why not!?
We lost the technology.
You LOST technology of the greatest achievement of mankind???
The technology that is the equivalent to a modern calculator? We can’t replicate it?
Nope. Hey look, Mars! Let’s go there instead!
If space is Jank then what are they doing with satellites in orbit? You do believe it orbit don’t you? If spacex has been to space and nasa before them as they have then what’s the deal? What do you think they’re doing up there? Do you think every rocket launched past the atmosphere is fake?
"space is a hoax"
That that even got upvotes makes me concerned with the right's retards.
THe iNternEt iS a hOax !
HTTPS is a figment of your bottom, not to be confused with Uranus which is not in space cause it's a hoax.
Like this satellite? https://youtu.be/hK_kWN0BsKs