Same here. My rule of thumb is that if I can’t stop the bleeding within an hour or there’s a bone poking through my skin I’ll go to a “doctor”. Otherwise, fuck those ass hats and their pills.
I even set bones twice very successfully. I got broken ribs one time and my employees were all bugged me to go to the Dr. I came back and told everyone yep there broken, just like I thought. They wanted to know what they were going to do and I told them "Nothing". $700 for nothing, and they thought I was crazy.
I had a broken rib a few years ago and read that wrapping your chest was bad because it could lead to lung congestion. I didn't wrap, and each morning when I woke up, there would be an audible "crack!", because it was either re-breaking, or the break line was just rubbing; I don't know for sure. But this continued for a week or two until it finally fused, but fused offset, so now I have a lump where the break happened. I wish I had wrapped it so it would have fused in the correct alignment!
My appendix burst in December 2019. The stupid thing is, I went to my local clinic because I had pain and the doctor said that it was just gas. He gave me some medicine Friday afternoon and by Monday morning, The pain was real bad. I went back and he said my appendix had burst. I drove myself to the ER and later I learned what a bad idea that was. I stumbled towards the hospital and they got me a wheelchair. I had to have it removed along with a few centimeters of my intestine with it because the infection was so bad.
It's a good thing I didn't eat breakfast that morning. Once I got to the hospital and had a scan, I had to lay for a couple hours in the ER. I was able to use the restroom one last time before the pain got too bad to even move. I can't imagine getting shot with a gun and how that must feel, because a burst appendix rendered me immobile.
When I was taken in with a grumbling appendix I had to wait 2 1/2 days for a consultant to get round to seeing me and say 'yep, appendix'. Then had to wait 1/2 day for op.
During that time, no food or liquid (on a drip) during a heatwave (no air-con in UK hospitals) and I was freezing cold and getting greyer by the hour.
Still, the op went well so I'm grateful for that, and my wife being totally awesome.
The ERs now ROUTINELY make patients who complain of pain wait longer than they used to, out of fear that someone is faking pain to get narcotics! I went in for a kidney stone (didn't know it; thought it was appendix) and they had me wait about 45 minutes in extreme pain before they finally did a CT scan to show it was a kidney stone. By that time, the pain had finally started to subside.
Same here. My rule of thumb is that if I can’t stop the bleeding within an hour or there’s a bone poking through my skin I’ll go to a “doctor”. Otherwise, fuck those ass hats and their pills.
I even set bones twice very successfully. I got broken ribs one time and my employees were all bugged me to go to the Dr. I came back and told everyone yep there broken, just like I thought. They wanted to know what they were going to do and I told them "Nothing". $700 for nothing, and they thought I was crazy.
Not much you can do for broken ribs except try not to laugh or sneeze :)
I had a broken rib a few years ago and read that wrapping your chest was bad because it could lead to lung congestion. I didn't wrap, and each morning when I woke up, there would be an audible "crack!", because it was either re-breaking, or the break line was just rubbing; I don't know for sure. But this continued for a week or two until it finally fused, but fused offset, so now I have a lump where the break happened. I wish I had wrapped it so it would have fused in the correct alignment!
Sounds like a pretty bad break in the first place.
It's a totally 50-50 choice as to whether wrapping is worth it, especially if the instinct is to wrap it tightly.
My appendix burst in December 2019. The stupid thing is, I went to my local clinic because I had pain and the doctor said that it was just gas. He gave me some medicine Friday afternoon and by Monday morning, The pain was real bad. I went back and he said my appendix had burst. I drove myself to the ER and later I learned what a bad idea that was. I stumbled towards the hospital and they got me a wheelchair. I had to have it removed along with a few centimeters of my intestine with it because the infection was so bad.
You were lucky, once it bursts you are definitely on the clock.
It's a good thing I didn't eat breakfast that morning. Once I got to the hospital and had a scan, I had to lay for a couple hours in the ER. I was able to use the restroom one last time before the pain got too bad to even move. I can't imagine getting shot with a gun and how that must feel, because a burst appendix rendered me immobile.
When I was taken in with a grumbling appendix I had to wait 2 1/2 days for a consultant to get round to seeing me and say 'yep, appendix'. Then had to wait 1/2 day for op.
During that time, no food or liquid (on a drip) during a heatwave (no air-con in UK hospitals) and I was freezing cold and getting greyer by the hour.
Still, the op went well so I'm grateful for that, and my wife being totally awesome.
The ERs now ROUTINELY make patients who complain of pain wait longer than they used to, out of fear that someone is faking pain to get narcotics! I went in for a kidney stone (didn't know it; thought it was appendix) and they had me wait about 45 minutes in extreme pain before they finally did a CT scan to show it was a kidney stone. By that time, the pain had finally started to subside.
Rudolph Valentino died from a burst Appendix.