Woman Applies for Assisted Suicide, Saying Long COVID Has Rendered Her Unable to Work
🧠 Me stupid long time
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Beat me to it.
Could probably also just wait until the next flu season.
“Long covid” is a euphemism for “mystery injection injury”
Eh that was thrown around even before vaccine rollout and people did claim to have it. The spike protein in the vaxx is likely to cause it as well, though.
I definitely suffered from long COVID, I had COVID in the fall of 2020, and carried on for a whole year. Now when I have those symptoms it's from being around vaccinated people for too long.
Yes we had it too. Not BS. Pure bloods. Got on a regimen including continuing horse paste every 3 days for six weeks. That and other meds helped to kick it. But it can be debilitating. The exhaustion was like chemotherapy exhaustion.