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Has anyone ever eaten pie like this? I would love to make it and don't think I'd have a problem doing so. I've fallen in love with German folk art and the like. I enjoy collecting items from estate sales that military families bring back after being stationed in Germany.
Watching her prepare this makes me think how artificial life is now. How women are urged to get that career and to not need men and to be empowered. So much beauty and tradition have been lost with the way the world turns today. Perhaps I'm too nostalgic for eras I never experienced, but they were better and more honest times. I pray we can get back to that.
I haven’t had this. If you want to start cooking from scratch it’s way better than processed food. I’ve been slack over the years and trying to get back to it. I love to bake. I highly recommend a kitchenaid stand mixer. I’ve made pizza dough, cakes for scratch, cookies etc. They aren’t cheap but worth it. Even a used one would be a good buy. When I was growing up my grandma made lots of baked goods from scratch. I still make the apple pie she made. Sadly I’m the only one in the family that learned her recipes.
I like watching these videos. They cook automatically American food the way it was cooked over a fire. What I like is every ingredient is fresh. You can adjust cooking time to your oven with an online research.
I watch them. I have a KA mixer and use it a lot. We do a lot more from scratch than we used to. We can stuff and my husband found a recipe for rice bread. It's pretty good.
I love food.
Thats great. We are freezing vegetables for the first time in over thirty years. I grew up doing it, not by choice but I’m glad I learned. Bought a foodsaver and I should have had one years ago.
We're freezing ours too, until we have enough to can. :)
This is such an awesome thread. I am in my mid 50's now raised my 2 daughters mostly single. Both like to cook and I have been trying really hard for the last 6 years or so to get them to cook their own food rather than eat fast food and prepackaged. I love cooking for my family and I have for a long time. Making food from scratch is just so much better than the fake gross stuff at the markets. I shudder to think of all of the "injected" garbage that is in it to make us sick and addicted. Lucille, I agree with you on the loss of beauty and tradition. Feminism tore into women's psyche diminishing what it meant to be a woman. There is no reason for us to not be paid what we are worth or work in fields that were untraditional. Those changes have been positive but the whole idea of I can be a man, act like a man, etc. Gross.....And let's not forget the change in masculinity. This has been horrible for men. Now it is men in skirts and men who can be pregnant, have boobs, whatever.....This has been an outright attack on humanity to eliminate males/females. Everyone will be and look the same, wear the same clothes....virtually indistinguishable other than facial features/hair & skin color. They will be eliminating natural births and going to machines that grow babies. I can see this science fiction garbage coming to fruition unless WE stand up now and say HELL NO! I pray this is turned around and we get back to the honest times you mention. Sorry if I got too political. Great post!
I agree with you 100%. I don't want my son to grow up in a world like they want.
My mother used to make this, called Apple Kuchen (which just means apple cake). Try it; it's really good.
Ooohhh!!! I think I will sometime. If I can, I will post a photo.
I can’t eat pie LOL which is why I looked at the video. I watch a lot of food channels on yt. Lately, one has been coming up on historic food prep. Anyway, Jordan Peterson talks about how things changed with women in the workforce, how only about 50% of women at 30 yrs are having kids which is very concerning because the population is going to continue to decrease exponentially (without the left even trying with their plans) and how lack of a father figure in families has had such a detrimental effect on kids. He’s worth checking out.
I struggle with this a lot. It’s so hard to meet a woman with the same values that I have. I think most people think I’m extremely old fashioned but when you sit back and watch families being destroyed, kids as young as one with phones or tablets and parents farming out everything to others instead of doing the work themselves, filling their kids with junk/processed, soy laden foods and garbage schooling. Oh, I could go on and on. But there is a lot to be said for good, old fashioned home cooked food and beautiful pies, such as what you posted. They’re an example of the dedication, time and care that goes into feeding others. I guess based on what comes up on my video feed, there are people out there working at bringing it back. That’s positive.
Having a background in food, I enjoy it much more now that I don't have to do it for a living. It never was a dream of mine to pursue culinary arts, but it beat the alternative of working at WalMart and not learning a new skill.
All of my women friends work. I have no one to share anything with. It's sad. One friend and her husband spend hundreds for their sons to attend a program at the Y this summer, just so she can work and go to school online. They also have them in activities (good for the boys) which are not cheap, so I don't know if the pay-off is even worth it, financially. My son is with me and is getting to rest and enjoy his summer at home. (That was a bit off topic, but kind of goes with the artificial life I alluded to earlier.)
I remember when I was little and my mom would have the military wives over for lunch/potlucks or whatever. She would get dressed up and they’d come over in their heels and it was loud and smelled amazing, that mix of cologne and food. But the preparation and cleaning was intense! It kind of taught me how important it is to take care and make things nice for others. Us kids were brandished to a bedroom and we’d strain like crazy to hear what was going on but oh, the leftovers! It was all worth it in the end. It seemed like the happiest place on earth. I don’t know if anyone does that anymore but it was good.
Anyway, you’re doing a great job, much respect.
That sounds so lovely! Your story makes me think of mid-century decor, clothing, and make-up. I never lived through it, but it seems like a wonderful experience.
https://m.youtube.com/c/TastingHistory/videos Tasting history https://m.youtube.com/c/CastIronCooking Cast iron cooking https://m.youtube.com/c/TheHillbillyKitchenDownHomeCountryCooking/videos The Hillbilly Kitchen
I've watched Max Miller a bit. I enjoy the history behind food and how we got to where we are.