I speak 4 languages and there is NEVER a perfect translation because each language is set in its historical and cultural context. And even then, take Spanish...Dominican vs Columbian vs Spaniard vs Argentinian...very similar but very different. Bicho is insect in Spain, but penis in Puerto Rico.
Sky in Spanish is Cielo which is heaven, there are so many subtleties in language, and even 2 people speaking the same language will have different background knowledge and connotations to words.
You can't express the truth of totality in words which by nature are limited in scope.
However, there are perfect originals to base a translation off of.
In the case of the Bible, we have 2 choices.
We either have the Hebrew Masoretic Old Testament, which was codified long before the Khazarians converted to Judaism, and the Textus Receptus Koine Greek NT, which is what the Geneva Bible, King James Version, and Young's Literal Translation are based upon,
we have the translations based on Alexandrian Greek manuscripts such as the Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Vaticanus, and Codex Sinaiticus.
I'm not King James Only, but I am Textus Receptus only.
The God that I worship is more powerful than the God that you worship. My God is able to give us his Word, infallible and without error, so that we may do it.
I speak 4 languages and there is NEVER a perfect translation because each language is set in its historical and cultural context. And even then, take Spanish...Dominican vs Columbian vs Spaniard vs Argentinian...very similar but very different. Bicho is insect in Spain, but penis in Puerto Rico.
Sky in Spanish is Cielo which is heaven, there are so many subtleties in language, and even 2 people speaking the same language will have different background knowledge and connotations to words.
You can't express the truth of totality in words which by nature are limited in scope.
Imagine if the disciples had an internet forum and started saying, "We need two moar weeks! That would be interdasting."
They could have confused language scholars and translators for millenia.
However, there are perfect originals to base a translation off of.
In the case of the Bible, we have 2 choices.
We either have the Hebrew Masoretic Old Testament, which was codified long before the Khazarians converted to Judaism, and the Textus Receptus Koine Greek NT, which is what the Geneva Bible, King James Version, and Young's Literal Translation are based upon,
we have the translations based on Alexandrian Greek manuscripts such as the Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Vaticanus, and Codex Sinaiticus.
I'm not King James Only, but I am Textus Receptus only.
What does a perfect translation have to do with what I posted? Removing 20 words, that tell of the Trinity, is not a translation error.
The God that I worship is more powerful than the God that you worship. My God is able to give us his Word, infallible and without error, so that we may do it.
Funny, I don't think in words, I think in imagery and intuition. Some people have to narrate their inner knowledge.
Words are limited, there is no your God or my God, there is our God. But English, Latin, German, etc will never encompass totality.
And the word of God was never in English...your version of his word was translated translations of translations. Womp.
How old are you? Have you ever been outside of rome?
Why are you so angry, man? Why are you so convinced that those three versions omitted words?
Check out the Greek and tell me what you think: https://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_timothy/3-16.htm