You got that right buddy! But you know, carbon emissions are killing the rainforest, not big lumber companies or anything. It's not like we can grow hemp and fill the need for those products better or more efficient. Nope. I don't know nothin. Just a monkey that pulls a chain 🙄
Hemp was off to a good start when Henry Ford started to make his cars from it.
Then came a guy called Hirst who funded it's abolition to protect his investments of forest plantations, needed for his newspaper empire.
Look up Reefer Madness if you haven't already watched it.
Yeppo you're spot on yet again fren. It's sad really. Most people have been brainwashed to think hemp=marijuana and that's not true at all. While they are very closely related hemp does not produce THC. Either way both should NOT be outlawed period. Full stop. Screw the gubmint and big corporations bending us over the table
And we create carbon emissions just from breathing. I wonder what bringing the carbon footprint to zero really means.... 🤔
without CO2 plants don't grow.
You got that right buddy! But you know, carbon emissions are killing the rainforest, not big lumber companies or anything. It's not like we can grow hemp and fill the need for those products better or more efficient. Nope. I don't know nothin. Just a monkey that pulls a chain 🙄
Hemp was off to a good start when Henry Ford started to make his cars from it. Then came a guy called Hirst who funded it's abolition to protect his investments of forest plantations, needed for his newspaper empire.
Look up Reefer Madness if you haven't already watched it.
Many years ago I had a personal grow operation, around 12 plants, CO2 gave me around a 40% increase in yields. - happy days
Amen. Growing and selling hemp has provided an additional income stream for my family since 2018! Thanks GEOTUS!!
Yeppo you're spot on yet again fren. It's sad really. Most people have been brainwashed to think hemp=marijuana and that's not true at all. While they are very closely related hemp does not produce THC. Either way both should NOT be outlawed period. Full stop. Screw the gubmint and big corporations bending us over the table
Do you know who invented the carbon footprint?
I do not, as a matter of fact. Enlighten me fren!
I did not knew it neither - here you go:
Or watch here: