I saw on here the other day that we should all buy at least one share of GME. But that we had to do it before the 18th in order to get in on the split something or other. Is it obvious yet that I know nothing about investing?? So that day, on the 17th, I opened an E-Trade account and put a little money in it. Since that was a weekend the money took a day to transfer from the bank. Is it too late to buy now?
I’ve read conflicting things, but we’re in the same boat. I read about it early Monday morning and purchased two shares via TD Ameritrade. I believe we’re safe and will receive the extra shares. The thing I’m still uncertain about is if we need to direct register by Thursday.
You're good. If there was a cut-off day where suddenly bought shares wouldn't get the right to the split shares, then the price would have dropped at least 50%.
All it means is that you'll have to wait a couple days for the split shares to be sent to you from whoever sold you the original.
I'm with you. May have my shares put in my coffin
I saw on here the other day that we should all buy at least one share of GME. But that we had to do it before the 18th in order to get in on the split something or other. Is it obvious yet that I know nothing about investing?? So that day, on the 17th, I opened an E-Trade account and put a little money in it. Since that was a weekend the money took a day to transfer from the bank. Is it too late to buy now?
Forget the split, all that does is drop the price per share by 4. Just buy some shares and hold them until the price looks like a phone number
I’ve read conflicting things, but we’re in the same boat. I read about it early Monday morning and purchased two shares via TD Ameritrade. I believe we’re safe and will receive the extra shares. The thing I’m still uncertain about is if we need to direct register by Thursday.
You're good. If there was a cut-off day where suddenly bought shares wouldn't get the right to the split shares, then the price would have dropped at least 50%.
All it means is that you'll have to wait a couple days for the split shares to be sent to you from whoever sold you the original.
You can still buy,the company you buy from will have to give you the additional shares later.
Cost us nothing to hodl,cost them a shitload everyday to borrow and short......
You understand that when a stock goes worthless someone is left holding the bag.
Literally every time.
Tell me you haven't read any DD without telling me you haven't read any DD.
This isn't just any old stock. Manipulators got caught holding the bag and we are at the precipice of a stand-off.
What is DD?
Due diligence...go to r/superstonk and learn up
Multiple week's worth of research - https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg
Never going to happen. Gamestop is debt free, and has about a billion in cash sitting there. The company ain't going anywhere
They are about the only company with zero debt,and 1.5 billion in the bank. With interest rates rising this will kill every company with debt.
Like when the hedge fucks short companies into bankruptcy with shareholders holding the bag?
That’s a lagging indicator. Every company has short interest. Not every company is worthless.
I love that some of you are so damaged you cannot see the obvious.
Hedgie fuck or ignorant shill
Hedge fuck
Nope. Just smarter than you.