363 Left the Forces in December because of the jab mandate. I’ve been directionless ever since. Packed up my truck and heading for Alberta or Saskatchewan to find work and a place to live. How fucked am I? (media.greatawakening.win) 🧐 Help Wanted 🤔 posted 2 years ago by Home_ 2 years ago by Home_ +364 / -1 205 comments download share 205 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You've got to look at yourself as a fountain of potential. God does, and thats why he has a plan for you in the Great Awakening.
I bet there's 50+ year olds on this site that would love to be 32 years old during the awakening.
Id get a job and start making friends with a local farmer. If his harvest is limited, he is likely to give to people in his circle first.
Oh to be 32 again….
under different circumstances yes, go back to doing what I was doing at 32, no thanks
Doing handyman work in agricultural areas is satisfying as can be. Cash money and barter=freedom.
Everyone needs a hand with something. Build your skills as you earn.
Man, if I was 32 again....... I'd be way less broken and twice as productive.
Me me me me !!!!