Neither do I. But what I was trying to convey (badly), is that even the weather reports are all about ramping up fear. Areas in bright red or orange, hysteria over the high temperatures, all designed to produce fear. It's summer where I live. It gets hot, and always has.
Some of us are also old enough to remember when it was cold in the winter and even snowed. But nowadays, every snowflake is given a scary name with prefix WINTER STORM ______
So nice of them. I just have to look outside at my frozen bird bath in the winter, but glad they're telling me it's cold. So silly. One of my adult children was visiting and asked me to check the outside temperature online. I just opened the door and reported that it was very cold.
Probably just wanted to know if it was 30ºF or closer to zero. I do that. I have this fantastic heated jacket and I only need to supplement with another layer if it's closer to 0.
I don't see anything wrong with checking on people that don't have A/C, especially the elderly.
Neither do I. But what I was trying to convey (badly), is that even the weather reports are all about ramping up fear. Areas in bright red or orange, hysteria over the high temperatures, all designed to produce fear. It's summer where I live. It gets hot, and always has.
The thing that gets me is that its mid-summer. Summer is hot. What do you expect? People really are flippin dumb to fall for this nonsense.
Just like people getting the flu but for the past 2 years its been called covid instead!.
Now they have all had their injections it will be sold as the worst ever covid variant, as they all get ill and die.
A virus, I thought weakens the longer it exists?
Some of us are also old enough to remember when it was cold in the winter and even snowed. But nowadays, every snowflake is given a scary name with prefix WINTER STORM ______
Weather people read from a script too.
They got the Soros update
They also use blue in the winter to show people that it's cold.
So nice of them. I just have to look outside at my frozen bird bath in the winter, but glad they're telling me it's cold. So silly. One of my adult children was visiting and asked me to check the outside temperature online. I just opened the door and reported that it was very cold.
Probably just wanted to know if it was 30ºF or closer to zero. I do that. I have this fantastic heated jacket and I only need to supplement with another layer if it's closer to 0.
You're letting out all the heat!
Not in 745 degree weather. Shouldn't even have rhe AC running.