‼️ CEO of Evergrand resigns… This is kind of a big deal, right??
🤡 Send Away the Clowns 🌎
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We the people can simply buy a little bit less shit, and be just fine.
In a free country founded on abundance and prosperity, it's only human nature to acquire and get accustomed to excess. Excess food, excess things, excess everything.
I've found that by cutting back on the amounts of certain foods, buying every item possible only when it's sold as BOGO - buy one, get one free - and reducing consumption of some non-essential things that had gotten excessive, we aren't living a miserable existence or even noticing the inflation debacle. (We both work at home too, so that helps a LOT, with the gas prices being artificially inflated in order to deliberately hurt everyday people.)
Vacations is a big one. Travel is now not only unnecessary and highly over-rated; it is OVER, since one very obviously can no longer safely travel—especially outside the US.
(We are both permanently freeface and freeblood; and not interested in ever being indefinitely imprisoned with no rights in some cramped, sweaty cruise-ship cabin with a malfunctioning toilet or in a nightmarish foreign gulag, thanks anyway—our dogs would miss us too much.)
No longer spending on travel, and associated expenses like clothes and entertainment while on vacation, saves thou$and$ per year. Pays for a lot of dog food!
We trimmed the fat and are doing fine. Probably we aren't alone.
You are definitely not alone. Many of us are doing the same thing. Remember when survivalists were the nut jobs?
survivalists, preppers and conspiracy theorists were always ahead of the curve.
I count myself in there, and am not surprised by anything happening now. Except, perhaps, humorous twists like AOC in invisible handcuffs.
AOC's invisible handcuffs is in the same vein as their imaginary voter friends.
It's all in their heads.
I hear you.
Not only did I start intermittent fasting and eventually moved onto OMAD (one meal a day), but I also looked into reducing costs and expenditures as much as possible once Biden took office.
I can feed myself very cheaply while eating healthy whole foods. I can put together 1200-1500 calorie meals for as cheap as $2.30-$2.50 that supply everything I need for the day. It helps I can eat the same thing 3-4 days in a row.
Another thing I've done is start taking navy showers. I get wet, turn off the water, soap up, rinse soap off my face, turn off water, and then shampoo and final rinse. I'm clean and I'm out of the shower in less than 10 minutes, with the water running for only maybe 2-4 minutes tops.
By making those individual sacrifices and spending as little as possible on a personal basis, the rest of my family hasn't had to change much of anything.