I'm not an expert on monetary policy by any means, and I'm trying to remember what I learned about all this many years ago, but it looks like we were on both from the start. Interesting blurb on the bimetallism wikipedia entry:
In the United States, bimetallism became a center of political conflict toward the end of the 19th century. During the Civil War, to finance the war the U.S. switched from bimetallism to a fiat money currency
And then check out where we ended up right after that...
The Free Silver Movement gained added political strength at the outset because of the sharp economic depression of the mid-1870s. Its first significant success was the enactment of the Bland-Allison Act in 1878, which restored the silver dollar as legal tender and required the U.S. Treasury to purchase each month between $2,000,000 and $4,000,000 worth of silver and coin it into dollars.
It sounds like we did have both, but the criminal elite consolidated around gold to squeeze out the common man and allegedly to "ease international trade". The anti-Free Silver stuff I've seen resembles propaganda like we'd see today for any policy that would actually benefit us and not the bankers, so it definitely raises suspicion.
In summary... It sounds like they created a war that made us mortgage our future as a country, in order to usher in monetary policies that only benefit the top, then convinced everyone the actual fix would destroy the economy. Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?
There is a well written explanation in the book: Coin's financial school. It explains how bimetalism works, and how the US was advantageous to have it, what the old and silver discoveries meant for bimetalism and the exchange for goods and services.
Wait. I thought we were on the gold standard from the start, and only started using silver much later, before the criminal elite took us off of both?
I'm not an expert on monetary policy by any means, and I'm trying to remember what I learned about all this many years ago, but it looks like we were on both from the start. Interesting blurb on the bimetallism wikipedia entry:
And then check out where we ended up right after that...
It sounds like we did have both, but the criminal elite consolidated around gold to squeeze out the common man and allegedly to "ease international trade". The anti-Free Silver stuff I've seen resembles propaganda like we'd see today for any policy that would actually benefit us and not the bankers, so it definitely raises suspicion.
In summary... It sounds like they created a war that made us mortgage our future as a country, in order to usher in monetary policies that only benefit the top, then convinced everyone the actual fix would destroy the economy. Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?
So we're off of gold and silver because the tyrant Lincoln got us into the War of Northern Aggression.
There is a well written explanation in the book: Coin's financial school. It explains how bimetalism works, and how the US was advantageous to have it, what the old and silver discoveries meant for bimetalism and the exchange for goods and services.