Most people simply will not know what to do with themselves every day if they had real freedom. They can't function on a daily basis without someone else telling them when to get up, when to go to work, when to go to lunch, what to eat, when to bathe, when to go to bed. They actually NEED some type of overlord to tell them what to do and when to do it. Gubmint, boss, parent, spouse. They don't have the critical thinking skills necessary to actually run their own lives.
I think that the real potential within individuals and humanity as a whole has been sorely suppressed and blocked by the presence of Evil internally, and the mechanisms evil has used externally to control us.
Responsibility and creativity are muscles that need exercise in order to develop. That has been suppressed, imo.
As far as I can see, a lot of scripture provided through revelation and insight is misunderstood, because historically, a lot people haven't grasped the reality of the spiritual world and its relationship to the material world.
I mean, we've explored the material world (via science) to an utterly amazing level, but most of us still remain deeply ignorant about the spiritual world. Generally speaking, our perception of spiritual reality has never reached the same level of detail as our perception of the material world, because our spiritual senses have been so damaged by the history of sin and its impact on all our lineages.
A lot of content in the New Testament, for example, is expressed in parable and in symbolic terms, etc. Confusion around this is significant. For example, the Gospel of Luke records Jesus as saying “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled!"
But there are no records whatsoever of Jesus starting fires or setting fire to buildings, or vegetation, right? So here, fire clearly is a symbol for truth.
Now, when talking about the end times, scripture (2 Peter) also records things like "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
Who is to say that fire here is NOT being used as a symbol of truth, and fervent heat the effects of truth? In the past, many people simply took this literally, because they couldn't grasp things in a logical manner.
"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29
He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him— the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. John 12:48
"The lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth..." 2 Thessalonians.
Put all this together, we can understand that the judgment in the last days is not judgment by a literal fire, but rather, judgment by the word and by truth.
And that's what is happening right now. As more truth is revealed, and people are waking up, Satan's fallen world is being judged.
In my view, many other events described in the gospels and in the writings of the saints and the book of revelation are in fact symbolically described, because there was simply no other way to express those things when the scriptures were written. Also, when one has a spiritual vision, the truth of what is being perceived is very often expressed symbolically to our minds.
Many, many people understand the fact that we are now in a spiritual war. To my mind, this is the war of armageddon. But to grasp truly how things will unfold, we need to realize that a lot of content in scripture is symbolic, not literal.
Similar to how when we look at the news these days, we need to grasp that a lot of what comes out as news is disinformation, and that certain things are happening behind the scenes.
The Cabal behind the Globalists and the Communists and the system are the anti-christ. That's what the New World Order is, imo.
As it collapses, we are on the cusp of entering the Millennial kingdom.
Most people simply will not know what to do with themselves every day if they had real freedom. They can't function on a daily basis without someone else telling them when to get up, when to go to work, when to go to lunch, what to eat, when to bathe, when to go to bed. They actually NEED some type of overlord to tell them what to do and when to do it. Gubmint, boss, parent, spouse. They don't have the critical thinking skills necessary to actually run their own lives.
I think that the real potential within individuals and humanity as a whole has been sorely suppressed and blocked by the presence of Evil internally, and the mechanisms evil has used externally to control us.
Responsibility and creativity are muscles that need exercise in order to develop. That has been suppressed, imo.
Yes, deliberate dumbing down and brainwashing.
Maybe. But that would mean we are in tribulation right now.
As far as I can see, a lot of scripture provided through revelation and insight is misunderstood, because historically, a lot people haven't grasped the reality of the spiritual world and its relationship to the material world.
I mean, we've explored the material world (via science) to an utterly amazing level, but most of us still remain deeply ignorant about the spiritual world. Generally speaking, our perception of spiritual reality has never reached the same level of detail as our perception of the material world, because our spiritual senses have been so damaged by the history of sin and its impact on all our lineages.
A lot of content in the New Testament, for example, is expressed in parable and in symbolic terms, etc. Confusion around this is significant. For example, the Gospel of Luke records Jesus as saying “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled!"
But there are no records whatsoever of Jesus starting fires or setting fire to buildings, or vegetation, right? So here, fire clearly is a symbol for truth.
Now, when talking about the end times, scripture (2 Peter) also records things like "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
Who is to say that fire here is NOT being used as a symbol of truth, and fervent heat the effects of truth? In the past, many people simply took this literally, because they couldn't grasp things in a logical manner.
"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29
He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him— the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. John 12:48
"The lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth..." 2 Thessalonians.
Put all this together, we can understand that the judgment in the last days is not judgment by a literal fire, but rather, judgment by the word and by truth.
And that's what is happening right now. As more truth is revealed, and people are waking up, Satan's fallen world is being judged.
In my view, many other events described in the gospels and in the writings of the saints and the book of revelation are in fact symbolically described, because there was simply no other way to express those things when the scriptures were written. Also, when one has a spiritual vision, the truth of what is being perceived is very often expressed symbolically to our minds.
Many, many people understand the fact that we are now in a spiritual war. To my mind, this is the war of armageddon. But to grasp truly how things will unfold, we need to realize that a lot of content in scripture is symbolic, not literal.
Similar to how when we look at the news these days, we need to grasp that a lot of what comes out as news is disinformation, and that certain things are happening behind the scenes.