My kids and grandkids are shooting from the time they are able to hold a weapon and understand the impact of what they are doing and how to safely and responsibly discharge their firearm. So about 7 or 8 they take their first shots with a 410 and 22 and about 5 or 6 with a bb gun. But they are around guns from birth and by the time they are 6 or 7 and coming to the range with me, they are comfortable with the sound and the feel of a weapon.
I have them in hunters safety classes at 9 and they are going on youth hunts with me at 10 but they have been in the field with me while I hunt as soon as they can walk and talk.
They are trained with compound bows and crossbows, handguns and rifles.
This is a way of life for my family and me, passed down from my great grandfather who was the consummate outdoorsmen. I laugh at the eco warriors who know absolutely nothing about ecology. It is the outdoorsmen, the hunters and fishermen, the sportsmen who are the true stewards of our natural birthright. All the eco warriors and politicians do is screw everything up.
Funny story about those things but when I was a little dude I modified one of those cap guns with the red ring cartridges to shoot those plastic bbs since the revolving cylinder had a bore diameter equal to a bb, when I cut out some plastic. It surprisingly had a bit of ass behind it and would punch holes in paper. I ended up making a barrel out of an empty pen tube too. Thing was sweet.
Yes exactly, I grew up in the sticks, spent about 10 years of my 40+ life “in the city” - now live in one of the least polluted areas of the planet. I know more about the environment, and how to keep it “green and beautiful” than any of those city dwelling political hacks in Washington DC.
You do realize that you could be making money hand over fist by opening your home up to groups of kids and turning it into a summer camp? Imagine the caliber (see what I did there?) of American youth graduating from your tutelage! I'd send my kids every chance I could!
My kids and grandkids are shooting from the time they are able to hold a weapon and understand the impact of what they are doing and how to safely and responsibly discharge their firearm. So about 7 or 8 they take their first shots with a 410 and 22 and about 5 or 6 with a bb gun. But they are around guns from birth and by the time they are 6 or 7 and coming to the range with me, they are comfortable with the sound and the feel of a weapon.
I have them in hunters safety classes at 9 and they are going on youth hunts with me at 10 but they have been in the field with me while I hunt as soon as they can walk and talk.
They are trained with compound bows and crossbows, handguns and rifles.
This is a way of life for my family and me, passed down from my great grandfather who was the consummate outdoorsmen. I laugh at the eco warriors who know absolutely nothing about ecology. It is the outdoorsmen, the hunters and fishermen, the sportsmen who are the true stewards of our natural birthright. All the eco warriors and politicians do is screw everything up.
When I was 7 I had a cap gun.
Funny story about those things but when I was a little dude I modified one of those cap guns with the red ring cartridges to shoot those plastic bbs since the revolving cylinder had a bore diameter equal to a bb, when I cut out some plastic. It surprisingly had a bit of ass behind it and would punch holes in paper. I ended up making a barrel out of an empty pen tube too. Thing was sweet.
You could double charge the red caps too. I used to have way too much fun with those things.
Ha, ha, yes, that is what I grew up with and my extent of knowledge about guns!!
Yes exactly, I grew up in the sticks, spent about 10 years of my 40+ life “in the city” - now live in one of the least polluted areas of the planet. I know more about the environment, and how to keep it “green and beautiful” than any of those city dwelling political hacks in Washington DC.
Wow, that is impressive skills to pass down as a legacy. Good for you and your family!!!
You do realize that you could be making money hand over fist by opening your home up to groups of kids and turning it into a summer camp? Imagine the caliber (see what I did there?) of American youth graduating from your tutelage! I'd send my kids every chance I could!