Not the downvoter, but Gonzalo Lira was a huge story here a couple of months ago, so maybe someone thought this guy was trolling like when people say, "who?" In regards to. Famous person.
Don’t be worried about that. Many of us here didn’t know of him until we watched The Duran. Another two are Alexander Christoforus and Alex Mercouris. Spelling might be a tad wrong but search under the THE DURAN. Many like Scott Ritter have no idea. You’re in truthful hands under The Duran and Alex and Alexander’s channels. Also intelslavaZ but be warned,he is in the battle field and some videos are not for the faint hearted. Ver raw.
All you did was ask a sincere honest question. What kind of messed up knucklehead downvotes that?!
Not the downvoter, but Gonzalo Lira was a huge story here a couple of months ago, so maybe someone thought this guy was trolling like when people say, "who?" In regards to. Famous person.
You could be right fren. Otherwise it makes no sense to me.
Don’t be worried about that. Many of us here didn’t know of him until we watched The Duran. Another two are Alexander Christoforus and Alex Mercouris. Spelling might be a tad wrong but search under the THE DURAN. Many like Scott Ritter have no idea. You’re in truthful hands under The Duran and Alex and Alexander’s channels. Also intelslavaZ but be warned,he is in the battle field and some videos are not for the faint hearted. Ver raw.