posted ago by TangerineShine ago by TangerineShine +27 / -0

My dad says he agrees with me on 95% of things which would indicate he is 95% awake.

My current road bump might be one of the biggest. My dad has lived all over the political spectrum. He was a radical lefty in college until he started listening to Rush Limbaugh. After listening to Limbaugh and disagreeing with everything he said he started to witness the media tell lies about Rush. My dad was an avid listener because he planned to call one day and set Rush straight. In the process he witnessed early stage globohomo cancel culture.

My dad is almost fully awake but cannot transcend the politics. I’ve had success introducing him to to commentators he may not have listened to otherwise. He will not acknowledge the role of the federal bank as a globalist weapon. He also will not acknowledge that politics are essentially a form of Marxism designed to keep the American people divided.

I’ve used some of his past awakening lessons and attempted to display the ideas to him on a larger scale. He understands that the central bank printing money is killing the American Dollar. He acknowledges the role they’ve played in our destruction but will not acknowledge it as a globalist designed institution.